Northern Ireland Transport Manager

I started working for rental company based in east midlands a few months back, the director of company has won a contract to supply lorries and drivers and wants me to use my International CPC to set up operator licence in Belfast for 5 drivers and 5 Units. I have never been a transport manager before, but my new job involves O’Licence audits, VOSA compliance, Tacho training etc… It is my directors opinion that I should visit for a day a month to monitor drivers, deal with any queries.Obviously all maintenance will be controlled by the rental operations team, drivers will be fully trained intially by myself on Defect Management, Drivers Hours ect.

My question is should I be offering up my CPC to do this, as I beleive I am fully liable if anything goes wrong, is it perfectly acceptabel to be part time transport manager in Belfast, whislt based in Nottingham?

Any help / advice most welcome

Have a look at the following form which you would have to fill in:- … icense.pdf

In my opinion 1 day per month for 5 vehicles would sound reasonable, but the Traffic Commissioners usually want more!

If you get a system up and running, particularly with regard to tachograph analysis and driver defect reporting, then your task is more one of checking, and although you are responsible, you can delegate some of the day to day admin to someone who you trust and is on site all the time.

I work as a part-time transport manager and find it interesting and rewarding - but make sure that you receive recompense comensurate with your qualification. From what I read it is becoming ever more challenging to qualify for CPC, particularly International.

Thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated!

How much would you say taking this type of responsibility is worth?

would Belfast come under the requirement for an international CPC?, surely as part of britain it would only require the national, just my thoughts on it before I get flamed :sunglasses:

I would doubt one day a month would be enough, I would think two days a month would be better ( although you would need more during the set up and training )

as for cost - if your boss went to one of the agencies I believe they charge in the region of £200/month for the first vehicle ( with a reducing charge for each extra vehicle) - so it’s not a cheap thing to do :wink: :laughing:

FWIW I wouldn’t use my CPC on anyone elses licence ( other than my own) as you risk your repute, if they’re quite a long way away can you be sure you know what they are doing ?

tc trans:
would Belfast come under the requirement for an international CPC?, surely as part of britain it would only require the national, just my thoughts on it before I get flamed :sunglasses:

you’re probably right, but wouldn’t you need an International licence to go to the South ?

You won’t be dealing with Vosa, they only deal with GB not NI, its a completely seperate organisation. There is some limited information on their website.

Similar set up with regards to having financial standing, cpc, operating centre etc. But there is no traffic commissioners and it is a far more relaxed licensing system so you should’nt have any problems. Believe me you have to be running a pretty dodgy setup before the ministry over here take any notice.

Just an after thought…

A T/M with a CPC over in the UK must work a minimum of 8 hours per week for the nominated O licence holder.
I got told this when applying for my new O Licence when going from sole trader to Ltd

Denis F:

tc trans:
would Belfast come under the requirement for an international CPC?, surely as part of britain it would only require the national, just my thoughts on it before I get flamed :sunglasses:

you’re probably right, but wouldn’t you need an International licence to go to the South ?

yep i guess so,never thought of that… you passed the test Denis :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


I am sure your guy’s are bonafide, but many have been skinned by similar offers. Basically firms leaving the TM out to dry and covering up their own activities…

If your happy do as others have hinted and work a price on units etc. not this tight arse buggers 1 day a month, after all your CPC and liberty are at stake.

Keep your common sense sensors on and tread very carefully.