North East agency work

I know it’s not the land of milk and honey up here, but this is a ■■■■■■■ joke

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Yeah the 1st 12 weeks is rubbish, but the rates after that arent bad, our dayshift lads are on £9/hr!

First 12 weeks are Pre-Agency Worker Regulation rates. After 12 weeks, you switch to AWR (Agency worker Regulations) rates and so the rate increases to match the current directly employed driver rates.

There is a way around it - Sort of.

Work 1 shift at that place through the agency and work 4 other days in the same week at a better paying job. That way you still get some money but still work on that Pre-AWR 12 week countdown. Then switch to the AWR rate and work there 5 days a week or whatever for the higher rate.

I do agree those Pre-AWR rates are especially poor though.

I’ll wager…

That pretty much after 10 weeks, you’ll magically be assigned to another contract. Alternatively, the agency might send you in one or two days a week, thus ensuring it takes about six months to get to 11 weeks in total.

Which ever way you try and portray this, £8.63ph is a derisory amount.

I’ll wager…

That pretty much after 10 weeks, you’ll magically be assigned to another contract. Alternatively, the agency might send you in one or two days a week, thus ensuring it takes about six months to get to 11 weeks in total.

Nope. The legislators thought of that when they made the regulations so it doesn’t have to be 12 consecutive weeks and it counts as a week whether you’ve been there for half a day or 6.

Bet you get finished before the 12 weeks then asked to come back a few weeks later.

I’ll bet the agency are still charging at least £3 per hour on top of that rate, it’s a bloody disgrace, but we’re probably the only profession stupid enough to put up with pay like that!

On the other hand, if you’re a “new pass” on Class 1 and have been given the cold shoulder by the typical agency, then at least you’d be getting some experience under your belt with these guys.

A couple of years ago I was told by my (then) agency that even though I had about 15 years of Class 2 experience, they would not be offering me any Class 1 work until I’d had my entitlement for 2 years :confused: