Noob left digi card in truck

Yep i left my digi card in my trucks tacho. Nobody else uses it so it should be ok overnight in there. Do i need to do a manual entry in the morning? If so how? The TM downloads the cards data every friday so I dont want an infringement to show up.

Hope it’s on break !

Other work :neutral_face:

If you’ve left the card in with the tachograph on other work you won’t be able to do a manual entry to change the other work to rest, do a couple of printouts and write an explanation on them, hand one in when your card is downloaded and keep the other one with you in case you get stopped.

An infringement will show up if you didn’t change the mode to “rest” because according to your tachograph record, you drove all day, did other work all night and then drove all the next day.

In reality, everybody will accept that you just forgot to change the mode switch, just do a printout and explain it on there.