Noob hoping to make an ambition a reality - C&C+E now passed

Quick brief so I won’t bore you.

I am 26 have always wanted to be a Lorry Driver since I was a kid, I simply love driving and have been driving ELWB sprinters since I was 18. I have a young family, bills and day-to-day life to pay for so that meant that saving was a slow process but finally I got enough put aside to do my C and C+E, CPC and bits and bobs with contingency money for failing. I work in construction and planned to enter this industry when I was 25 to make myself more attractive to employers due to insurance obligations. Keeping out the cold from 8am-5pm in winter will be a bonus!

Checked out reputable firms via here and gone with a branch in Walsall called Westgate. Theory + Hazard perception being studied and test in 2 and half weeks then my training and test the week after hopefully (on the basis I pass theory side of course). I have never wanted anything more in terms of employment.

Put the word out to a few places for potential jobs and also have put my notice in at work and plan to sit in with some drivers for work practise.

Will update the thread as my progress goes on, any advice welcome and hopefully this helps others. Wish me luck :slight_smile:

Good Luck mate,

I’m on the same path, just a few weeks ahead of you.



Good Luck mate,

I’m on the same path, just a few weeks ahead of you.



Thanks and same to you :wink:

Put the word out to a few places for potential jobs and also have put my notice in at work

My advice would have been to keep current job until you have a contract for a new one - not just promises from employers and especially agencies … unless you have funds to keep your bills paid for some time …


Put the word out to a few places for potential jobs and also have put my notice in at work

My advice would have been to keep current job until you have a contract for a new one - not just promises from employers and especially agencies … unless you have funds to keep your bills paid for some time …

My job is changing to a permanent working away doing evening work shopfits. I have handed my notice in but have an option of doing some contract work which I plan to do inbetween my C and then CE, if I cant get on the wagons straight away I will have a job to fall onto anyway.

I have fall-back cash, I have alternative options and I plan to make more chances for myself. Not leaving anything down anybody, you want something done you do it yourself.

Had I stayed I would not have had chance to train this year other than a day here and there. Too much faffing.

Theory and Hazard Perception passed and my Class 2 test today. Wish me luck.

Theory and Hazard Perception passed and my Class 2 test today. Wish me luck.

Good Luck mate, are you at Featherstone or Swynnerton for your rigid test?

hi cmh good luck with your test. i was just thinking isnt it a bit too risky to hand your notice in and dont forget after christmas there is not gonna be any work till middle of march Probably in building too. even though u can fall back to your old job, times are different and at that time they might not want you back and all. my situation is the same i am a permanent gaurd but i am not leaving my original job, just because i know its really hard now a days to find a permanent job and also u dont wanna go back to agencies cause they treat us like slaves now a days. Anyways Good Luck Mate and i hope u will get through with your journey and hopefully find a job real quick. Good luck

Good news, I passed my test.

8 minors in total and I took it at the Harlescott test centre.

Don’t worry about me with a job, I am going on holiday to Spain next Friday and when I return I have a job sorted to last me until mid-November, then shut-down but starts again in Jan right the way through till the same time (shopfitting the Post Offices). I have a couple of quid saved and this is my decision made with much planning rather than a flippant off the cuff decision.The new job I have is with a mate rather than narcissistic know nothing merchant with a delegate the blame attitude.

I shall be studying my CPC whilst on holiday, couple of days sitting with my mate who drives C whilst I wait for holiday. When I am back I will get stuck into my Class 1 then, just before I set off for the Post-Offices for a month.

Top and bottom of it all is I set out for Class 2 and 1, I have passed theory and hazard perception, just my Class 1 and C.P.C’s left now.

:smiley: :smiley:

wow dude u already passed it thats brilliant.

Cheers Rog and Yas.

Firstly, congratulation on passing well done.

I want to say that reading your posts you seem like a really switched on squared away chap with a great attitude. I’m sure you’ll do well once you get on driving as a career.

Good Luck with CE fella.

Tipper Tom:
Firstly, congratulation on passing well done.

I want to say that reading your posts you seem like a really switched on squared away chap with a great attitude. I’m sure you’ll do well once you get on driving as a career.

Good Luck with CE fella.

Thanks a lot Tom :smiley:

I am currently knocking up a C.V and a covering letter template which I will tailor to each employers needs i.e Address, company name, how long they been going etc. Planning to have all this sorted by tomorrow and will go around the yards dropping my C.V off. Planning to do a 50 yard multi-drop :sunglasses:

I have my CPC book which I am reading and am currently waiting for a call back on course date and test time etc. My Class C+E is being booked but I am waiting for my license to be returned which unfortunately had a nightmare when sending as DVLA mislaid it and lost my D2 form, licences (both parts) and pass certificate. Luckily I took photos and have my test sheet which they mark as back up. Anyway they are reprocessing and have apologised etc (takes photos and send by special delivery folks, cover your bloody backs!). Should be another 2 weeks tops and I am booking in for 3 weeks time so all should be well and god forbid I fail there’s enough time to pass again before they load the vehicles up and courses go up £300+.

Well done on the class 2 fella did my C+E with westgate, if your taking cv’s round if you haven’t already theres
One stop in pelsall
Nightfrieght in Willenhall
Mainline in willenhall

Good luck

Well done on the class 2 fella did my C+E with westgate, if your taking cv’s round if you haven’t already theres
One stop in pelsall
Nightfrieght in Willenhall
Mainline in willenhall

Good luck

Good school isn’t it, bit pricey but good training, I was taught by Len… I was planning to do my next test with them but I have been offered a great deal elsewhere with a mates uncle and it basically saves me a weeks wages and he’s putting me on a CPC course with someone-else footing the bill and me only paying half of what it normally costs. All this because I gave my mate some old baby stuff for his newborn, what goes around comes around :wink:

You’re a local lad like me then. I have a cousin who works at Nightfreight and have already set the ball rolling with them. One Stop and Mainline I have added to my C.V list. Blakemores and 3663 were the most receptive up to yet, thankfully I have mates who work at both of these firms as well as N R Evans. DPD had been recommended to me too as they are looking for drivers.

Only downside is time constraints, everyone is booking up rapidly before the loads go on the training trucks. The extra cost involved has forced many learners hands and crash-courses are like rocking horse s**t so to speak.

Appreciate the PM too, top site this place. I will be sure to stick around :grimacing:

CPC’s due to be passed over next few weeks whilst waiting for Class 1/C+E.

Not wishing to jinx myself but on the work front there are a few options my way it seems. I have registered at three agencies and one of them offered me a shift as soon as tomorrow! One of the jobs I applied for has got back to me today saying they have no Class 2 vacancies and I replied no problem as I was hoping for Class 1 and am currently due to take my tests soon. She replied with a suggestion I work for agencies for 3 months and after that she was confident that I could get a job with their company.

As with any industry, I am not taking agencies word for gospel or relying on it. But so far so good.

Will keep you all up to date as and when I take my CPC’s.

Got my CPC’s starting from this week. I have my Mod-2 on Wednesday and should I pass I start my Mod-4 on Monday.

Class 1 training starts from the 28th of this month.

My Smartcard arrived today and I received a text from an agency offering me work today for the week and a few agencies have all sounded promising. A member on here pm’d me and the agency he works for has offered me some work the day I am ready to start my Class 1. I have also been offered a 10 month contract in construction in Jan so no matter what happens I am sorted for work but hopefully I strike whilst the irons hot with any openings in the haulage business.

Wish me luck guys. Take care :sunglasses:

Just got back from Dudley test centre. Passed my CPC Mod2 with a score of 46/50. Just the Mod4 left now before I can start doing some shifts.

Class one training at the end of the month, all being well I should start 2014 with my chosen career :wink:

Training in a rigid with drawbar trailer. Much was made of the extra weight but I can hardly tell other than the shift in water when motion halts. We were on about the weather today and I recommend some antifreeze in the tank. That suggestion got me a free breakfast :slight_smile:

Haven’t clipped a kurb so far, I have got the parking under control, managed to get 8 passes out of 9 and those are without shunting. Test next week at Featherstone.

Wish me well please!

Take care and have a cracking weekend folks.