Thanks for all your replies, but silly as it sounds, it might be cheaper to stay working over here.
belgium = delayed till end of april
estonia = delayed till end of april
finland = no wtd
france = delayed with no date set for introduction
germany = delayed till end of may
italy = delayed with no date fixed for implementation
netherlands = delayed till october
portugal = delayed with no date for implementation
slovenia = eh wtd? what that bout then?
spain = delayed = no date for implementation
sweden = delayed till july
uk = implemented with immediate effect, government expects to send hundreds of drivers and transport managers to prison within the first 2 years, well done tone.
belgium = delayed till end of april
estonia = delayed till end of april
finland = no wtd
france = delayed with no date set for introduction
germany = delayed till end of may
italy = delayed with no date fixed for implementation
netherlands = delayed till october
portugal = delayed with no date for implementation
slovenia = eh wtd? what that bout then?
spain = delayed = no date for implementation
sweden = delayed till julyuk = implemented with immediate effect, government expects to send hundreds of drivers and transport managers to prison within the first 2 years, well done tone.
Now, Now Jonny, no need to get all bitter and twisted about it.
UK cancelled due to lack of interest
I will have to get my french number plates and wing nuts out again
Ok I’m fed up of this country of Blair bringing in unworkable and ridiculous rules and effectively capping my wages. I’m now interested in going to work in an EU country that doesnt operate the WTD for transport. I understand Holland isnt interested in implenting this rule, and as such would like to work over there, or any other country that has same feeling about this stupid law.
Can anyone give me any advice about getting work over there as internet searches have drawn a blank.
I could be wrong,but im under the impression the WTD applies to all common market countries.Try poland ,seems all there drivers are over here.
LOL I hear you Peter. I dont think every country has signed upto it, and if they have like France, they are not implementing it in its entirety. like they always do, they choose what suits them.
thanks for your advice, but i dont think eastern Europe will pay me a decent wage.
people i belive that you will find this WTD is a requirement to which all the EU members have to adhere to and so for get HOLLAND or FRANCE
this is for all of us, and if you wish try working for a swiss firm as they do pay well, and they< are not in the EU;
WTD forget it …i want to work all hours god gave and still be poor…how thick can we be
The German parliament refused to ratify the WTD declaring as not necessary .
The rest of Europe will do the same as always
conveniently forget about it
The German parliament refused to ratify the WTD declaring as not necessary.
The rest of Europe will do the same as alwaysratify
conveniently forget about it
Except for the UK Govrnment, who will Ratify…apply…and be the only ones left who do.
Implementation of the WTD has been delayed for 6 months for the transport sector in Holland.
It should have come in on March 23rd. I think they hope it will quietly go away in the meantime.