…there’s so many accidents on the M25 between J23 and J25.
I went down to Enfield this morning,arriving about 04.00.Traffic then was not too heavy.
However,when I left at 05.30,what a difference,it was like whackey races through the roadworks.
There was some nob with a 4 axle wrecker with a truck on suspended tow who moved into the centre lane with the intention of overtaking me,but never quite made it!
A fuel tanker following 2 metres behind another truck passed me in the centre lane.
A car overtaking me,then pulling in front of me and slowing down.
The A414 might be a pain in the arse,but it’s got to be safer than this!
Just another day at the office?
It is Wacky Races, anywhere on the M25 is Wacky Races.
Rules are -(as you pull on from any junction)
Disengage Brain, Right Foot Flat to the Mat & ‘F’ anybody else.
…there’s so many accidents on the M25 between J23 and J25.
I went down to Enfield this morning,arriving about 04.00.Traffic then was not too heavy.
However,when I left at 05.30,what a difference,it was like whackey races through the roadworks.
There was some nob with a 4 axle wrecker with a truck on suspended tow who moved into the centre lane with the intention of overtaking me,but never quite made it!
A fuel tanker following 2 metres behind another truck passed me in the centre lane.
A car overtaking me,then pulling in front of me and slowing down.
The A414 might be a pain in the arse,but it’s got to be safer than this!
Considering what those fuel tanker guys are carrying, some ought to be ashamed of themselves and the way in which they driver…nothing short of c**tish.