No jobs eh

Well there be a lot out there saying there aint no jobs out there, what bull ■■■■ packed in a job 4 weeks ago took 1 1/2weeks off then started on 1 agency who ■■■■■■ me about so shot round to another one who I knew the girl in the office and have worked everyday I wanted to.

The 2nd job I took on was a class 3 C job and when they realised I held a class 1 ticket they asked if I had ever done W/D, the answer is yeas drop box and all, got offered 6mths worth of work.

Another job I walked into the next day was again W/D , got a phone call the other day the boss asked for me personally for the job ( they’ve had some real monkeys apparently causing damage).

This week I turn up at a company for 3 days work and before I get past reception I’m handed an application form then yesterday they’re wanting me for the rest of the week and the next 2 weeks. a pain cause I’m booked on this other W/D work but the head boss is back next week and they are more than happy with me so that looks promising.

On top of that I’ve applied for 2 full time jobs by email to which I heard back from one today with an interview set up for Sat.

So who says there aint any Jobs out there eh

Sounds good for you Nick; mind me asking what sort of area these plethora of jobs are in?

Good luck with an future interviews and such.

Just this week there has been a few driving jobs advertised in my local area , 2 of which I have applied for & been in touch with so fingers crossed but there does seem to be a few more than the usual none about at the mo , and for the record the thing that stands me out from others ie the fact I have my driver cpc …

This may be in part to news that the economy is recovering and companies are preparing to have more work, and also you are quite experienced so are probably a breath of fresh air to companies who have had poor agency staff. You are in the south west yes? Good news fella

Sounds good for you Nick; mind me asking what sort of area these plethora of jobs are in?

Good luck with an future interviews and such.

Blue chip fella the W/D is a company that does multi drop cage stuff. All jobs are based Bristol.


It’s probably off your patch but any idea when the new Sainsburys RDC is going to start in Exeter? Also, the yard vacated by Co-op in Wellington? The rumour mill had companies from Waitrose to Wilkinsons taking it over…just curious.


It’s probably off your patch but any idea when the new Sainsburys RDC is going to start in Exeter? Also, the yard vacated by Co-op in Wellington? The rumour mill had companies from Waitrose to Wilkinsons taking it over…just curious.

I’m afraid you’ve not kept up with the news… Sainsburys plans for Exeter have been abandoned, and Co-Op Chelston has been occupied by Rigid Containers Ltd.

Don’t want to rain on your parade

when I worked on the agency earlier in the year everywhere I went was offered work until xmas, its just their way of keeping you without giving you a job and places like Morrisons are famous for giving 1 agency driver a job every 4 to 6 months to keep you keen , but when you count up the amount of full time drivers who retire or move on 2 drivers a year doesn’t replace them

good luck and happy job hunting , there are jobs out there if you lucky or will do any old crap :stuck_out_tongue:

Good drivers will always float to the top and find work, you only have to read the posts here for 5 minutes to work out who’s got a glass half full and who you would want to consider to work for you, and thats before you’ve even clapped eyes on them.

Don’t want to rain on your parade

when I worked on the agency earlier in the year everywhere I went was offered work until xmas, its just their way of keeping you without giving you a job and places like Morrisons are famous for giving 1 agency driver a job every 4 to 6 months to keep you keen , but when you count up the amount of full time drivers who retire or move on 2 drivers a year doesn’t replace them

good luck and happy job hunting , there are jobs out there if you lucky or will do any old crap :stuck_out_tongue:

cough cough I’m no newbie bud 32+ years a driver as well as transport office work. I’ve done the agency thing for a long time so I know the score there too.

I’ve just put the phone down from the agency change of job Sun Mon cancelled as customer A wants me for the next 2 weeks starting Sun which pays a higher rate and over time rates kerching

There’s ways driving jobs going in London emolument agencies , most are crap, but some are golden. But still if you want work , it’s definately there.

Thousands of jobs in the transport industry. Loads of agency work. Jobs are ten a penny. But good jobs on the transport industry are like hens teeth.

Nick you sound so great id like to offer you my house and wife.your gods gift to driving.i can see you now with your ray bans on swaggering up to the drivers hatch with a leather flight jacket on saying “never fear nick is here” oohh your my dreamy hero

Probably a stupid question,but, what is w/d?

Wagon & drag mate. i.e. Rigid with draw-bar trailer as opposed to artic & semi-trailer.

Probably a stupid question,but, what is w/d?

maybe Wagon and Drag but I could be verrrry wrong :blush:

Wagon & drag mate. i.e. Rigid with draw-bar trailer as opposed to artic & semi-trailer.

■■■■ yes!
I knew I should of thought about it for a while.:slight_smile:

It’s hard to compare working in Bristol with all the surrounding industrial areas to somewhere else as we are not all lucky enough to have thousands of employers on the door step!

I think is answer to the question about coop last I heard it was waitrose but that was only a rumour and the signs outside still showed to let so don’t think anything is happening as yet.

Good luck to you though