no going back?

got a call yesterday from the tm i used to run for in the steel works to see what i was up to? to cut a long story short, i start back with em after the spring bank,
i must be crackers! :unamused:

Did you keep the truck then Paul. I thought you had sold up and started working for a living :stuck_out_tongue:

ā€œJust when I thought I was out, they pull me back inā€

:wink: :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
Did you keep the truck then Paul. I thought you had sold up and started working for a living :stuck_out_tongue:

wagons been up for sale at the yard where i parked, for the last seven week, but no takers, just needs taxing and itā€™s ready to roll.

yep, definitely crackers :wink: :laughing: :laughing: itā€™s a legal requirement for being an o/d

Good Luck Paul :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

good luck mate , when are you coming down to spain with me ?

missed the next date for int cpc so canā€™t sort that while september at the earliest and then iā€™ve got to sort some work but the balls rolling :wink:

went back to a old employer(still there),and the saying"better the devil you know" still rings true.
as for being crackers, well you wont find out till you do go back,best of luck anyway.


hehe :laughing: well good luck to you matey, letā€™s hope this time it works out better for you.

Once itā€™s in your blood ā€¦ itā€™ll always be in your blood :wink:

Yeah, I jacked in once and had to go back to it, not making any money, still happy days.

What happened to the job with the brand new Scania with the big HIAB or whatever it was then?


:confused: itā€™s only brand new if the current reg is ā€œTā€ :smiley:
still doing the job as we speak but it just donā€™t do anything for me, although the monies good as a wage i canā€™t help but think ā€œi should be doing this for myselfā€
given the money iā€™d build a crane wagon as the rates are top dollar but itā€™s just to big an outlay plus the fact that the steelwork is the best subbin work iā€™ve seen by a long way, how long itā€™ll last this time round, who knows.

Once itā€™s in your blood ā€¦ itā€™ll always be in your blood :wink:

Just like H.I.V :smiley:

Give us a bell Richie I lost your new no. when I upgraded phones