No connection with qualitas/sterling

I have just spoken to a disgruntled customer who has just lost £1000 with Qualitas. Through a series of misunderstandings, he was under the impression that his Qualitas voucher would be accepted by Peter Smythe Transport Training Limited.

I wish to make it 100% clear that at no time have we had any association with Qualitas, Sterling or Autosearch. Consequently, their vouchers will not be accepted for training carried out by us.

After reading THIS POST I wonder how many more have useless vouchers ■■
TBH - I have never heard of such vouchers before now

Did they not contact you about doing traning for them in the past at an hourly rate or was that someone else ?

Ref the vouchers: when we were approached by Sterling to subcontract to them for the princely sum of £80 for 3 hours, the proposed system is that they would issue vouchers to the candidate who would then present them to the trainer in exchange for training. The trainer would then submit them to Sterling for redemption.

Whilst we have never subcontracted to any trainer, let alone Sterling/Qualitas, I’m under the impression that the voucher system is in place with some brokers.

Peter Smythe:
Ref the vouchers: when we were approached by Sterling to subcontract to them for the princely sum of £80 for 3 hours, the proposed system is that they would issue vouchers to the candidate who would then present them to the trainer in exchange for training. The trainer would then submit them to Sterling for redemption.

Whilst we have never subcontracted to any trainer, let alone Sterling/Qualitas, I’m under the impression that the voucher system is in place with some brokers.

Your last post said you have not association with sterling now you say you were approached with the voucher idea …

So you were contacted but you decided against doing any of there work ?

Always best to tell the full story in the first place instead of total denial in the 1st post then all a sudden you were contacted about doing work for them although you declined.

I have been approached by some bloke in Nigeria who wants me to help him get some valuable gems out of the country, just because he approached me doesnt mean to say I am associated with his scheme :unamused: :unamused: Most business get approached all the time to take part in various schemes or plans. Some even enter discussions before deciding not to take part in those schemes or plans

Which ever you look at it thats not association or working with.

I couldn’t have explained it better myself Rikki.

The only contact we’ve ever had was to receive what I believe was a circular letter asking us to subcontract. We contacted them to discuss the rate (took about 15 seconds to not reach a compromise) and that’s the limit of our connection. So, in short, the first post is 100% accurate. :laughing: :laughing: