No answer to my application

Is that normal?

I answering to the job advert. They sending me some forms to fill or inviting to the interview. And then - nothing. Not even a letter “sorry, you wasn’t good enaugh to work for us”.

Maybe I am from wild east-european country and I am not fit into british standards, but usually when someone offers me a job, when I have already another I am always responding them with many thanks… I feel that it’s correct way.

Meantime some company are involved with some correspondence with me (forms, reference letters, additional questions to me) and then quiet.

Should I call them and ask how is my recrutation process, or is that rude, or simply not necessarly, as they already ignored me?

It’s normal :unamused:


Give them a ring, shows your keen…

But yes it’s normal :unamused:

hm, thanks guys.

Just asked, as some companies bothered themselves to send me a letter “sorry, maybe in the future, good luck with your job-hunting” :wink:

This just proves sometimes its best to got knocking on doors rather than paper filling.I’m a strong believer knocking on doors gets better results when looking for work .

donkey dog is right orys people remember a face rather than a application form . i went into where i work and went straight out driving as they were short that day

I’ve gotta agree knocking on doors initially is better than driving a biro.

Orys I can see you going back to Hebrides haulage !!!

heh. Not in next couple of weeks - I still have some treatment for my back injury, and Hebrides Haulage is one big heavy lifting…

I’ve gotta agree knocking on doors initially is better than driving a biro.

Yeah, but I have feeling that I already was everywhere… :wink:

give them a ring orys and ask politely if they’ve read you application and sent a reply
Sometimes letters get lost in the post (i know, i used to work for Royal Mail many moons ago)
At the very least they may remember you calling.

its par for the course before i had my HGV licence years ago i moved back up to Scotland after working in London as a courier.

There wasnt many jobs about up here and i’d be filling in 10 applications a week, it was rare to even get a reply unless it was a crap job and they were desperate for staff.

Especially in the job centre jobs are up for ages and find out they have been filled a month ago.

i applied to asda falkirk in january, didn’t get a reply so i phoned them twice and got a reply today. i had an interview with stobart’s who said they would tell me either way within 3 days , 10 days later i got a call to say someone had not turned up for induction and would i like the job! i politely declined

i applied to asda falkirk in january, didn’t get a reply so i phoned them twice and got a reply today. i had an interview with stobart’s who said they would tell me either way within 3 days , 10 days later i got a call to say someone had not turned up for induction and would i like the job! i politely declined

thats just cutting your nose off to spite your face

From yesterday I had three offers from that old company.

Two of them is local multidrop: one, which involving plenty of handball for 260 per week and other, which is just local multidrop without big deliveries (like furniture, white goods etc) on 7.5 tonner for “over 20 000 per year at the beginning” :exclamation:

But I fed up with driving arround Glasgow, so I choosed third one: Nationwide (and Ireland) deliveries. Basic rate is not too good, but overtime is paid one and a half and night/saturday afternoon/sunday driving is paid double, so it might be good. If not, I still have hope for this international job what i mentioned on European forum.

By the way: that’s true that there are plenty companies want to pay poor rates, but if someone is looking for some reasonable driver will be ready to pay more - see this guy who offered me 7.5 t job. He seems to be very decent person, and he’s driving in his company as well, and his son is working there…

orys application form s
[zb] them (though not literally) :laughing:
if youre a good driver with a history forms dont come into it :laughing:

auto censor dodge removed…Denis F [/i]

You’re right.

That’s amazing. I had 7 offers that week, including 4 permanent jobs. I choosed interesting one with immediate start and I just came back from run down to England. There were 3 another forms waiting for me at home as I sent some CVs some time ago, but as I am apparently a good driver with a history only what I need is to send some e-mails and thank them for their offers and inform them, that I am no longer looking for any jobs. :grimacing:

Is that normal?

I answering to the job advert. They sending me some forms to fill or inviting to the interview. And then - nothing. Not even a letter “sorry, you wasn’t good enaugh to work for us”.

Maybe I am from wild east-european country and I am not fit into british standards, but usually when someone offers me a job, when I have already another I am always responding them with many thanks… I feel that it’s correct way.

Meantime some company are involved with some correspondence with me (forms, reference letters, additional questions to me) and then quiet.

Should I call them and ask how is my recrutation process, or is that rude, or simply not necessarly, as they already ignored me?

Apply in Swiss :smiley:
They pay you.Got 20.-Sfr with Negative Answer to pay Time i used to write Application.
Got 60.-Sfr by Interview for traveling and used Time

Companies should be made by law to reply to all applicants - in ‘Mickey Mouse’ UK unfortunately, that isn’t the case. It is just another sign of the contempt many companies hold their staff and potential staff.

i never fill in application forms through post no more as never hear from them. I either phone up direct or go direct to them and ask only time i fill one in is there and then if they are looking for drivers. Seem to get a much better response direct and asking to speak to TM