Nimbies again. East Midlands Freight Hub

Anti truck Nimbies have in the past harped on to get freight on trains but they are against plans for a new hub by the airport which can have 16 trains per day up to 775 metres long.
Plans for Lgv parking ,bus interchange,new warehouses up to 6 million square feet of space.
The new hub will have 7000 new jobs and connect up to the HS2 train line.
Nimbies say the plans will spoil the area.
I loaded out of a brick factory and local residents got their lroduction factory shut down.So now foreign firms took over.
How much does Nimby’ ism cost the UK in lost jobs and revenue ?
Sheffield council will now ban Lgv’s from using main roads around the town due to residents complaining of rat runs.

probaly the same group of people who complain the “younger generation” don’t work. But then block a potential 700 jobs in the same breath.


One case of a Nimby gets a factory to spend millions on special vents to stop the smell.
They then get paid out for the smells and are working for the factory cutting their grass and lawns.

Whilst I can understand if you move to somewhere quiet and they decide to build a major development next to you you might have some grounds for complaint, but the one that get me are the ones that move near to a race track, airfield or factory site and then complain about it. :open_mouth:

But sometimes fate has the last laugh, there were many nimbys who were pleased when a local RAF base closed down, they were less pleased when it was turned into a prison for ■■■ offenders. :laughing:

No doubt it will be blocked from planning when the Woolly jumper brigade will spot a rare newt,Barny the barn owl “It is the only owl left in the area.”
A rare bird that breeds there on it’s way to Timbucktwoland.
A lesser spotted frog.The lawyers make a few million fighting it out with the tree huggers.
Meanwhile Romania and Bulgaria have built five hubs and beat us to it.

No doubt it will be blocked from planning when the Woolly jumper brigade will spot a rare newt,Barny the barn owl “It is the only owl left in the area.”
A rare bird that breeds there on it’s way to Timbucktwoland.
A lesser spotted frog.The lawyers make a few million fighting it out with the tree huggers.
Meanwhile Romania and Bulgaria have built five hubs and beat us to it.

MMTM that certain Ninja Nimbies aren’t strangers to introducing protected species like the golden todgered newt, into areas of propsed development… sneaky buggers. :slight_smile:

I can believe that Dipper Dave.A major supermarket was delayed for years due to a spotted newt in the proposed site.
Maybe put there as the town shops were worried about loss of trade with a huge store that you could park for free.