Nihilism - on a Thursday

Nihilism - brought on by this tory government.

Like an awful lot of people, I find it difficult to keep my head above water, financially and not literally, as soon as a break appears it gets followed by a knock back.
“As one door closes another slams shut in your face” - to misquote someone.
No one government is perfect, but this Cameron party is getting really annoying. Having got through the Maggie years I have a sense of deep foreboding as to the future of this country. The tanker drivers will not “win” the strike, if they did then everyone else would do the same and this government could not allow it.

Lets face it…
The banks will still take all the money
Credit card rates will still go up (28%!!!)
The rich will get richer
The long term (intentionally) unemployed will still get benefits
Fuel will continue to go up
And the common working man will pay for it all…

We will moan to each other in the RDC and do exactly - nothing.

Does life have any real meaning for us Joe Average…

Maybe I do to many nights?

Existensial nihilism for one and all

And your point is?

Commenting on life…

and do you really thing it would be any better if that manky one eyed scotch ■■■■■■■ was still in charge of the country?

if that bunch of idiots hadn’t spent all the money in the first place, then the new lot wouldn’t have to make all these cuts

i’m certainly not a tory lover, but it really ■■■■■■ me off when people blame them for the previous lots ■■■■ ups

Thank you Scania730lover, someone that see’s the whole picture. This governent are sorting out a terrible mess that was left them by Brown. I once heard he was called a genius with finance, what bs, I would be loved and adored by the public if I spent Trillions on whatever was asked for by local councils, genius my a–e !! People in this country, when then news broke of how much debt Labour put us in said, yes please clear our country’s debt Mr Cameron, so he said it will mean tough measures and cuts, no problem joe public said, it has to be done. Now people are crying because of the cuts taking place, the one’s we agreed to !!
I agree with you on the scrounger bit, people playing the system should be dealt with and have their money cut. I also agree with the idea that drunks should pay for treatment in hospitals. I think the Courts should hand out longer sentences and that we should build more prisons to accomodate this. I think we should bring back capital punishment in cases where there is no doubt about guilt.
Rant over lol !!

Thank you Scania730lover, someone that see’s the whole picture. This governent are sorting out a terrible mess that was left them by Brown. I once heard he was called a genius with finance, what bs, I would be loved and adored by the public if I spent Trillions on whatever was asked for by local councils, genius my a–e !! People in this country, when then news broke of how much debt Labour put us in said, yes please clear our country’s debt Mr Cameron, so he said it will mean tough measures and cuts, no problem joe public said, it has to be done. Now people are crying because of the cuts taking place, the one’s we agreed to !!
I agree with you on the scrounger bit, people playing the system should be dealt with and have their money cut. I also agree with the idea that drunks should pay for treatment in hospitals. I think the Courts should hand out longer sentences and that we should build more prisons to accomodate this. I think we should bring back capital punishment in cases where there is no doubt about guilt.
Rant over lol !!

oh dear thin edge of the wedge. Lets see how much money do these so called drunks pay into the system with taxes on alchol? Also define drunk - does drunk include if my wife drinks a few glasses of red wine (rarely I may add!) and falls over, when she goes to A & E does she pay for her treatment too? Why stop there though let the sports players who injure themselves pay too or the DIYers who harm themselves after all both these categories would be self injury like the drinkers. Free at the point of delivery people for all - people like you would see the NHS ruined - rant over!!! … improving/

That link won’t cheer you up either.

I don’t think it matters whatever government is in - Labour would have had to tackle the debt ( AIUI, their proposals were to cut at around about 80% of the Conservatives proposals), they would have also had to deal with imported inflation with higher commodity prices, the ongoing and largely unresolved funding gap for public sector pensions ( and at some point, I dread to think how state pensions are going to be funded), the decrease in demand from our European ‘partners’ and the U.S. I really don’t think any party really knows what to do and any of them would be shuffling round with a sticking plaster approach, hoping that inflation would decrease the debt over the long term.

Actual expenditure in real terms is up by 0.1% this year, trouble is a lot of it has to go on servicing the debt.

the trouble is it takes approx 4 years for any government to implement change i emailed cameron about foreing vehicles not paying to use our roads he (well someone on his behalf) emailed me back to say they are going to charge vehicles to use the roads! the cuts were a result of labour and the banks mistakes they now sit there with a oh its been a couple of years you should have sorted it by now attitude!
actually i can feel my blood pressure raising so gonna leave it at that :imp:

Yep,Labour did ■■■■ things up big time but I find it quite difficult some of you lot defending the Tories??..They look after the wealthy,always have done…yes,they have to make cuts but mostly the cuts are the tax that corporations and wealthy people pay,making a THEM better off,whilst they ■■■■ over the working man and pensioners!!
The Inland Revenue should be out with VENGEANCE,tracking down and recovering the money that the WEALTHY and massive corporations avoid paying in taxes through shrewd accounting that they can AFFORD cause they are wealthy!!..they should also be stopping illegals entering the country,stopping the billions of £s funding illegal wars overseas and the general ‘waste’ that happens in government departments…but no,you just defend them lowering your wages and allowing you to just about ‘get by’ with your life. :unamused: … ata_player

so he said it will mean tough measures and cuts, no problem joe public said, it has to be done

Not quite true, if it was true then he would have no need to have a coalition.

that bunch of idiots hadn’t spent all the money in the first place, then the new lot wouldn’t have to make all these cuts

Again, not quite true. That bunch of idiots were spending to repair the cuts made by the previous Tory administrations, who in turn were cutting to refinance the spending of the previous bunch of idiots.
Does anyone see a pattern here?

Does life have any real meaning for us Joe Average…

Pass the time enjoyably.

It really is as simple as that.

The things you list are incidental, and might seem like a convenient scapegoat for an existential crisis, but they have never changed, nor will they ever.

Certainty in life… death and taxation. To misquote somebody myself.

Just find what you like to do, what makes you tick, and do it. Don’t waste time worrying about things you cannot do anything about, the things you can do something about… change.

Whatever anyone will tell you, you are still free and always will be. It’s just a choice.

Yes, ■■■■ this Tory government for:

Wanting to prevent a brain drain, lowering the damaging 50p rate to 45p

Increasing your personal tax allowance, saving you £200 ish this year and a further £200 ish next year

Preventing people who earn over £60k having child benefit

Bringing the public sector into the real world and attempting to make it run more like a business

Performing a minor miracle with the public finances after the mess left by Labour (forgotten about the note left in the treasury which said “Sorry there’s no money left”, have we?)

I think they’re doing a remarkable job, given the circumstances and people who should moronically and repeatedly “Tax the Rich/Bankers/Whoever” would do well to remember that this country needs weath creators because it doesn’t make anything… Why doesn’t it make anything? Because the Unions ruined everything back in the 70’s. This government is far from perfect, but looking at the alternative I have to say we’ve come out better. If Labour were still in power, we’d have had our national credit ratings downgraded and ended up paying billions in extra interest we could ill afford, then we’d have to go cap in hand to the EU or the IMF like Ireland, Greece and Portugal.

If anything thinks Ed Miliband would have done a better job then they’re seriously deluded. It may surprise you to learn, after reading this that I’ve never voted Conservative in my life

You’re all deluded if you think Tory/Labour/Liberals are really that different from one another these days…

Increasing your personal tax allowance, saving you £200 ish this year and a further £200 ish next year

not for me they didn’t!


Does life have any real meaning for us Joe Average…

Pass the time enjoyably.

It really is as simple as that.

The things you list are incidental, and might seem like a convenient scapegoat for an existential crisis, but they have never changed, nor will they ever.

Certainty in life… death and taxation. To misquote somebody myself.

Just find what you like to do, what makes you tick, and do it. Don’t waste time worrying about things you cannot do anything about, the things you can do something about… change.

Whatever anyone will tell you, you are still free and always will be. It’s just a choice.




Does life have any real meaning for us Joe Average…

Pass the time enjoyably.

It really is as simple as that.

The things you list are incidental, and might seem like a convenient scapegoat for an existential crisis, but they have never changed, nor will they ever.

Certainty in life… death and taxation. To misquote somebody myself.

Just find what you like to do, what makes you tick, and do it. Don’t waste time worrying about things you cannot do anything about, the things you can do something about… change.

Whatever anyone will tell you, you are still free and always will be. It’s just a choice.



Thing that makes me laugh is that UK politics is not the university boat race. There’s more than Tory and labour out there. I vote ukip. Simply because I don’t belive in paying the fat cats in brussels to tie a noose around our necks. If we pulled out, the membership fee saved alone would go a long way to clearing the national debt. We could hammer migrant workers with work permits, tax foreign trucks and god knows what else. And before anyone comes out with the rubbish about trading, we don’t sell jack to the eu . We do sell to China and India. Last time I looked they weren’t in the eu. Not being in won’t stop us buying. Business is business. The Germans will still sell us bmws and mercs, the danes will still sell carlsberg. Things don’t look too bad in switzerland do they?

We do sell to China and India.

What do we sell to these two countries?


We do sell to China and India.

What do we sell to these two countries?

Waste paper/plastic and household waste,I did container work for many years and this accounted for the majority of exports. :wink:

:smiley: :smiley:
and I understand that India ( as well as some other asian countries) has actually refused containers of waste claiming “we will not be the rubbish dump for the uk”

I know years ago when we still exported to Japan, all electrical goods had to go for clearance to a customs point miles inland , half way up a mountain.