
Just starting my 5th week working nights.
Monday to friday get home around 07:00 and get up around 14:00. Finishing on a Saturday morning again getting up about 14:00, Sleeping ok Saturday night get up about 09:00 Sunday.
Start getting tired early Sunday evening off to bed about 23:00…CANT SLEEP :confused:

What do the rest of you night workers do with your sleep pattern over the weekend.

It is a bit of a head do.
I work Wednesday - Sunday
On a Monday i normally get home about 07.45 and straight into bed, then only have about 5 hours kip and get up, about 13.00.
Spen the rest of the day with mrs and kid etc, then usually by about midnight i can get my head down and get 7-8 hours kip in, waking up say 9am, then making the most of tuesday and wednesday until i start back on at 18.00
During the week tho, i sleep til 14.00 each day and go back in at 18.00
It feels like you are losing to much time off, because the first chunk of your days off you spend sleeping, thats why i force myself out of bed after 5 hours kip, then by the evening im usually knackered :open_mouth:

P.S This morning an expception, i clocked out easrly and im sat at home and cant sleep lol

Goes one of two ways. Occassionally I’ll not go to bed when I get in on Saturday which means I’m ready for bed by 10pm but you feel crap all day. Trade off is that you get Sunday as a normal dayperson but you need to force yourself to stay up until 3am-ish on Monday morning. The other way means you continue as per weekly sleep pattern and give up having a weekend with the family.

I did years working nights and never had a problem with weekends BUT that was only because the Friday niht shift finished at 2-3am on Saturday morning so you actually managed to get some sleep and get up around 11am.

The job I’m doing at the moment means I don’t get in until 7am like you. I’ve been at it for 8 months but I’m getting more and more fed up as I feel I’ve not had any time off at a weekend. I’m also feeling more tired than I ever have done and believe me, I’ve plenty of experience working nights.

I can seriously see me handing in my notice in the next few weeks.

I start work 8pm Monday to Friday, finishing about sevenish next day. Go straight to bed after my cornflakes and get up at the back of 2. Din-Dins at 5.30 and grab another 40 mins doze before getting ready for work.

As for the weekends, I have about three hours when I finish on Sat morning, then I keep the body on night shift, which means getting peace and quiet for the telly, computer etc all night, while the family sleeps :smiley: then head off to bed about 5.30. Up about 12 on Sunday, do the family things, peace all night again, off to bed about six and start the week all over again.

Great! No problems sleeping at all :slight_smile: