Hey I did my first night last night or was it this morning
I loved it, I made sure I went to bed at 6pm the day before got up at 11:30pm had to make sure I set my alarm for 23:30 had some brekkie packed my flask and some grub (Glad I did since the canteen at the depo I was going to was shut) Drove down to London, Got some help backing up (bloke just watched me so I did not knock the fence down. Had my 45 mins in the canteen that was shut, drove home dropped the trailer on a bay all on my own Refilled with derv, took the lorry to the garage since it was low on adblue, Then scraped the ice off my car (thought the roads were slippy) then saw my other half opened up my Birthday cards Back to bed for 3 hrs at lunch.
Well done - seems like you had a good time and enjoyed it - good idea on the sleeping plan so you were fresh to drive
PS - and the flask & food
All things I have picked up off the forum, plus the big one never be afraid to ask for help