Nights to days

OH no i dread the thought but it might happen, sharing the road with other people on a regular basis YEUCH!!!, being cut up even more than i can normally take on nights OH NO…

Its a possibility as i have an interview soon for a day job with a few nights out, imagine all them traffic jams again after having the Motorways to myself fopr so long… :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

ive just come of nights on to days and my god how annoying it is . well what it is on nights when you go to work on nights you night is planned out for you especally you jammy at b&q you know exactly when you will be finished now think on this…

on days everywhere is open so its “can you just nip here” and “can you just nip there” also “how much time you got left or before you go i need this collecting”.

it was because of these annoying little sayings that me and bedfords kept having our fallings out traffic planners think you dont have a home to go to.

Don’t do it Jammy! The darkness is your home! Don’t be a lighty! You’ll regret it!

Slap my top!

I just admire you lot that do permanent nights!! :open_mouth:

I tried a few years ago but my body clock just wouldn’t adjust; I couldn’t sleep during the day but really struggled to stay awake at night.

I’m a light sleeper anyway so every little noise during the day was keeping me awake and I spent more of my night-shift parked in layby’s having a quick ‘power snooze’.

BTW, Pro-Plus never made any difference to me whatsoever. :unamused:

Permanent nights is fine. I did Bristol night trunk for Stirlands for a year.
Job and finish Mon to Fri for 50 hours pay.
Start 2100 - Home in bed usually 0400-0500.
Up at 1100 with most of the day and half the evening with the family.

Taxi driving in Sydney.
1500 start and work the radio in the city exclusively for 3 hours. Big adrenalin rush.
1800 - 1900 Taxi Club for dinner with mates
1900 take the blades and their girls out on the town.
2100 - midnight mooch about on ranks taking what comes. Chewing the fat.
Midnight - 0100 or 0200 take 'em all home again.
0300 park up, quick skinny dip in the oggin (sod the sharks :open_mouth: ) and bed.
Up again at 0930 to a beautiful sunny Sydney day :unamused:

I hate nights - yeah right :wink:

Salut, David.

Give me nights anytime, all that daylight is just not good :sunglasses: , give me a full moon…an empty road…

ps. been told my condition is beyond treatment :unamused: