Night time working

Not having worked nights before, I haven’t really bothered with the WTD rules. Now I am about to start on nights, and the firm have opted out of the WTD night workers 10 hour rule, is there any restriction on the length of shift, or the average weekly hours please?



What do you think■■? as you have answered your own question lol :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No restriction on shift length but still officially limited to 48hr average over either a 17 or 26 week period. Your employer will let you know which it is and what week number you are starting on.

Unless there’s something written into the opt out agreement the only restrictions are the same as the day drivers have.

Thankyou :smiley:

Even if they hadn’t opted out of the WTD night time limit the shift length would still be governed by the tacho rules and you could do a 15 hour shift. The night time limits are on work not shift length.