night rate

I was asked if I wanted a shift today by my regular agency starting at 03:30 on a regular job …So I asked em, if it was paid at night rate, they said no, the cut off point is 03:00
knowing that around 10 days ago theyed asked me to work a 03:45 shift (Id asked em, if it was night rate) theyed explained then that the cut off was 03:30 for exactly the same job I know times are hard atm, but do they have to keep shifting the goal posts for the sake of a few ££s extra over day rate

Thats why Im sat here typing this after turning down the shift with the agency, and standing my ground. Ive worked for this agy on this site on/off for the last 2 years

in my book nights is 2000hrs to 0600hrs
anything outside that shouldbe paid a premium

the firm who made me redundant this year
had a nightshift driver who started at 1600 hrs and was rarely out after 0200 hr
for this she got an extra £15 a shift

but as a day driver if you did the Baglan to Small Dole job
which left Wales as early as 0100hr after you had had 9 off you just got the day rate
TM said but youve had night out money :frowning:

we get a night shift premium if we start between the hours of 00.00 [midnight] and 3.00 , can be annoying if you get a week of 3.30 starts .

If you want to get pedantic about it with them, tell them that WTD states if you work between midnight and 4am, you are classed as a night worker.

Not only should you be limited to a shorter working day, if they pay a night rate, you should get it.

18:00 to 06:00

I’m with darby flyer.
As far as I am aware the only legal definition of night work in driving is in the WTD. ( midnight- 04.00)
But it does not state that extra or premium rates have to be paid for working these hours, thats down to your contract of employment.
Company I work for will not let day drivers start before 04.00 because of this

I guess that working for an agency each seperate job assignment would cause a new contract, not necessarily on paper. .

Last time I was on night trunking I was on £12.50/hour, this was 4 nights on, 3 nights off. I was paid from midnight to midday though I was usually finished by 8 in the morning. However this was in 2003 so ‘should’ be a bit more now.


18:00 to 06:00

Same for me and time and half after 8 hours.

All jobs SHOULD pay a decent rate regardless of what time you start, whether that is a day or night shift, a lot of night drivers choose to work nights so I’m not quite sure that it should attract a higher rate, there’s a lot less hassle at night so it can be an easier job.

I do think that if a job requires a very early (before 4am) start then that should have a little bonus attached to make up for the unsociable hours, the same as a job that finishes later than 6pm, but working nights all the time is choice & although some have to because of a particular set of circumstances at home, most want to do it as it suits them.

It would be so much easier if the job paid the proper wage in the 1st place.

nights easier
not now with overnight roadworks
and your expected to do stuff during your shift

gone are the days of night trunks that you got in got gone
booted it up the road to changeover point had brew swapped trailers
wellied it back to yard and and went home after less than 8 hours and got paid for 11