night out money

how much night out money to have before tax

been discussed before somewhere in here but i was told when i started at my present place it was £21.50 before tax coz we get the 21.50 cash then 3.50 into our wages

it all depends on agreement between your employer and the local tax inspector for your local area. it does vary quite alot area to area

we get 20.50 plus 12.15 meal allowance a day tax free

we get 20.50 plus 12.15 meal allowance a day tax free

That’s very good, I get £27 and I thought mine was fairly good.

try this link … r-drivers/

try this link … r-drivers/

I liked this bit…

Many employers meet the cost of, or contribute towards, a drivers mid-day meal by either issuing meal vouchers or making a cash payment. These contributions may be treated as not taxable where they:

are reasonable in amount, ie they do not exceed £2.00 per day

Can anyone tell me where I can get this mid-day meal for £2?

Harry Monk:
Can anyone tell me where I can get this mid-day meal for £2?


:wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:

Harry Monk:
Can anyone tell me where I can get this mid-day meal for £2?


:wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Lol, perhaps we should let the Revenue know? I mean, surely they could halve the meal allowance?

terry burton:
how much night out money to have before tax

Non sleeper cab all of the rate agreed with the revenue, sleeper cab 75% of that rate.

I’ve been paying £5.00 a day meal allowance (on top of £23.00 night out) for about 8 years and been through 2 tax investigations in that time and they’ve never queried it that it should be taxable. Given that they owed me £839.00 after the last tax investigation, you would have thought they would be trying.

Night out money? :confused:
Wow! :sunglasses:

we get £20 a night plus a fiver a day im food money i

£32 and the option to stay in a Premiere Inn :sunglasses: but then again i’m working for medical people which is why we got FH16’s, me thinks they know no better :laughing: :wink:

£20 a night fullstop.
and they only pay the parking if you are loaded :imp:

I must be old. I used to get a quid :cry: