
Loooking at the thread for CB handles I thought the next logical step has got to be “nicknames”. Here in the northeast we can tap a very rich vein as we’ve had some magic names over the years. Obviously please don’t use the really rude ones, be a bit discreet and don’t embarass anyone (much). That is not to say anyone with a great name can’t “out” themselves. Lets start with “the Bull Walloper” the legendary Geordie Beatty! George came origonally from ■■■■■■■ where he worked on a farm and was involved with the “artificial insemination project” (not as a donor) before he came to live on the right side of the Pennines.
I dont know if he is still around but he was IMO a top man. Another fella I worked with at Waugh’s was nicknamed “Kipper”, allegedly he fell asleep in the Blackwall Tunnel in the rush hour traffic after a heavy night at Peckham.We also had the one and only “Cracker Bates” he was as mad as box of frogs! His party piece was to hang himself up on the coathangers in the Wheatsheaf at Longbenton after we’d all been on the sauce. A lovely man to work with never a dull moment when Dougie was around. We also had Albert Haswell the “Rhode Island Red” his speciality was to stand on his diesel tanks and crow like a cockerel. You didn’t have to mad to work at Waughs in the 70s but it was definitely an asset. There are lots more from the northeast but let someone else have a go. PS. I don’t know if I had a nickname back then but if I did i’m just about to find out. Bring it on. regards kevmac47.

I went through my working life with the nickname BILKO some drivers off other coms dont even know my real name.Been ret yrs now and still get called it.
regards dave./ dave partington.