
Apologies if this has been covered before but the DHL thread got me thinking about company names and the unofficial names that we drivers give them.Not just haulage companies but also the places we deliver like “Tossco” and “Aldi cks”

So come on lets see what you all have :question:

BKG transport = Better Keep Going

Ralph Davies = Cheltenham Airways

OK my head hurts now so over to you… :wink:

Cranleigh Freight Services = Criminals From Surrey.

Aston Clinton Haulage = Aids, Crabs and Herpes or Andy Cap Haulage

Legal Note: These are names I have heard these companies called and does not reflect my personal opinion of them. :smiley:

Hall and Pickles = Cheese and Pickles (Steel stockholders IIRC)

Seafrance = Sea Chance/ Sea Slug

Norbert Dentresangle = Nobbly Dressingtable

What obscenity did your lot refer to the Coutances by MM? The only one I can get through the censor here is “that bloody tub”…it was downhill from there dependent on the weather. :open_mouth:

montana man:
Norbert Dentresangle = Nobbly Dressingtable

My favourite was always Sherbet Distresstriangle :stuck_out_tongue:

What obscenity did your lot refer to the Coutances by MM? The only one I can get through the censor here is “that bloody tub”…it was downhill from there dependent on the weather. :open_mouth:

“The Croutons” in hope it would stay afloat like its namesake… :open_mouth: :wink:

other than that nothing suitable for this forum :open_mouth: :wink: :wink:

Norbert Dentressangle… Nobrot Dirtbagstranglers. :laughing:

jammys ex-hell always made me laugh :laughing: :laughing:

Me too - Especially when it got bought out by DHhelL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Norbert Dickydangle

Maybe our new owners could add a Motor Transport Award for the haulier with the most nicknames, since there seems to be a clear winner… :bulb: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

montana man:

What obscenity did your lot refer to the Coutances by MM? The only one I can get through the censor here is “that bloody tub”…it was downhill from there dependent on the weather. :open_mouth:

“The Croutons” in hope it would stay afloat like its namesake… :open_mouth: :wink:

other than that nothing suitable for this forum :open_mouth: :wink: :wink:

I always thought the old Coutances was a bloody good ship…

S&K Haulage down in Barry … Sick & Knackered


montana man:

What obscenity did your lot refer to the Coutances by MM? The only one I can get through the censor here is “that bloody tub”…it was downhill from there dependent on the weather. :open_mouth:

“The Croutons” in hope it would stay afloat like its namesake… :open_mouth: :wink:

other than that nothing suitable for this forum :open_mouth: :wink: :wink:

I always thought the old Coutances was a bloody good ship…

Rose tinted hindsight. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

D H L = ■■■■ Heads Limited.

for there planning chaos,

Formation Freight = Billy Smarts Circus.

banks’s brewery = tamar brewery

as in “ta mar job mate go so yim” (must have black country accent :laughing: )


banks’s brewery = tamar brewery

as in “ta mar job mate go so yim” (must have black country accent :laughing: )


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Bloody foreigners :laughing:

as a born and bred black country boy?, it doe mek sense t me neither,
as a great fan of anuck and ayli,can we have a queens english version as well.