Nice Volvo 750

I don’t really like the new Volvo, but this one, yes please.

■■■■ Colours… dont really rate them

You know its a Photoshop job?

dont spoil it then :imp:

I don’t think it’s photo shopped that cab size is legal in the Nordic countries.

It is photoshop for sure. If not the distance between axles would be larger/longer. Take a look at the back axles.

Bigger Shed than a normal new FH!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It is photoshop for sure. If not the distance between axles would be larger/longer. Take a look at the back axles.

This. And I doubt the cab suspension would work well when the cab is faired-in with the side skirts. Photoshop FAIL. Not been done by a driver/fitter/truck designer. :smiley:

I don’t think it’s photo shopped that cab size is legal in the Nordic countries.

I know it is, but its a photoshop

I don’t think it’s photo shopped that cab size is legal in the Nordic countries.

I seen a scania with a cab that big last week, on the back of the cab it “longline, there is only one” painted on it.