nice an warm

Sat in cab at Bristol depot,no shade from sun so glad i got aircon and shower facillities here. :slight_smile:
how you other guys doing. 26 here.

Drinking beer watching a few ships on the solent. Same as last night, very stressfull.

:frowning: had to go on skip wagon today 55reg well used and abused no aircon and the passenger window stuck shut, not to bad on the move but stopping at lights ect you started to dissolve,soaked with sweat when you got out to lift skips on/off,roll on tommorow back on my own hookloader,still no aircon but at least both windows work and a roofhatch that opens :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Parked at Immingham. I found a shady spot. The cab is out of direct sunlight and I have a nice breeze blowing through :slight_smile:. Will not have any trouble sleeping. It has been a scorcher up here today. Thank god for air con :slight_smile:

Rob :slight_smile:

30 degrees on the head up display at point in Bracknell today.

30 degrees at emerson green bristol this afternoon.

Would have come and said hello if I had known you were in Bristol, sat in a layby near Gloucester with 1 drop on for the morning

Whats.air con my truck is stuck in the good old days.