Next 2 days on my own class 2 work

I have got a class 2 driving job tomorrow and friday
for the same company. Tomorrows run is from sheffield
to abingdon then to lecester then back to sheffield and maybe
the same run on friday. I don’t know what truck I will get yet
as everything will be in a envelope in the office for 06:00 hours.
It will be delivering beer pumps ect I think. Even though I will be
using sat nav I am going to look at my truck
atlas tonight and see what routes I might be taking.

They say the job should take 10 hours to do.

Good luck with the run tomorrow Convoy. If it takes more than ten hours, it does. That’s probably for their regular driver who knows the route like the back of their hand :wink:.



Hi Ian like you say if it takes more than 10 hours I can
do this as I have not driven more than about 5 hours in a day
this week so I think I could do this tomorrow and friday and still be legal
(4 1/2 hours driving + 45 minute break + 4 1/2 hours driving + 1 hour driving = 10 hours driving in total).

This is the route I have for sheffield to abingdon.

  1. M1 to junction 21.
  2. M69 to junction 2
  3. A46
  4. M40 to junction 9
  5. A34
  6. A4183 In to abingdon (Depending on location)

Autoroute time = 2 hours 45 by truck you could probably be looking at 3 1/2 hours to 4 possibly.

Abingdon to leicester.

  1. A4183
  2. A34
  3. M40 to junction 15
  4. A46
  5. M69 to junction 3
  6. A5460 (Depending on location)

Autoroute time = 1 hour 44 by truck you could probably be looking at 2 1/2 hours to 3 possibly.

Autoroutes time from leicester to sheffield = 1 hour 14 by truck you could probably be looking at 2 1/2 hours to 3 possibly. Then loading/unloading times and rest breaks.

I will try and get some photos of the truck and let you know
how the run went.

Convoy, are you aware that you can adjust the average speeds for the different types of road within your journey, that way you can reflect in the Autoroute calculated time a more accurately estimated amount of time it will take you by Truck?

leicester to shef can be done in ninety minutes or less obviously depending where abouts in leicester and sheff. if you use the rac route planner the travelling time are alot nearer to reallity because they work on an average speed of sixty on the motorways and only thirty on all other roads.
good luck especially in leicester!

What’s up with leicester paul b :question: . I have autoroute 2004 CM but was not aware of that you can adjust the speeds but then I very rarely use it. I just used autoroute and my atlas to see what routes I will be using.

perhaps it’s me but leicester is the one place i hate driving,seems to be full of young [zb] with seriouse attitude on the roads plus the fact the place is [zb] to find your way round. As for the route planner i use the rac joby on the internet.

You’r probably right, but it needed stars, so it had to go. Lib :wink:.

What’s up with leicester paul b :question: . I have autoroute 2004 CM but was not aware of that you can adjust the speeds but then I very rarely use it. I just used autoroute and my atlas to see what routes I will be using.

If you open the route planner dialogue box via the route tab at the top of the front page, at the bottom left there is a ‘more options’ button, open that and it gives you a dialogue box with five tabs on the top, choose the driving speed tab and it lets you adjust the driving speed for different types of road, ie Motorway, dual carraigeway, A road, etc.

I can change them now CM Cheers. I will also have a look
at the RAC one and compare them. I will be using tom tom
go also so hopefully be fine.

Don’t forget to add the extra 45min break into the day to take the third driving period.

If it’s on the industrial estates at Abindgdon, the major one is by the science centre - it’s signposted off the A34 (the science centre), just follow the signs :wink: I forget what it’s called though.

I’d guess at around 3.5 hours from Sheffield J35a to Abingdon.

Spot on with the routes though :wink:.

If you hit a problem in Leicester, I live locally and I multidropped in the area, so give me a bell if you need directions and I’ll try and help you out. You will eventually have PM.

convoy, also bear in mind that the m1 north-bound friday afternoon, is like one
big car park.

years ago it would be quicker for us to come off the m1 in leicester, and go up
the a46, (can’t remember the exact ruote though) than stay on the m1 friday

not trying to confuse you or anything, just that it might be an idea to have an
alternate route back fri. night if there’s an accident or anything.just remember
these routes can become clogged also though.

enjoy your run out mate hope all goes well

convoy how did it go? :laughing: and did you enjoy my lovely city :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: