Newer vehicles

The Driving Standards Agency are wanting to introduce loaded vehicle training this September for vehicles registered AFTER Jan 2007. They plan to introduce loaded training for ALL trucks, regardless of age, from 2017.

I’m not going to use this forum to discuss the clear madness and discrimination of this time delay. But I would like help in locating other trainers who will be affected by this rule ie who is running training vehicles that are post 2007?

I see no harm in using the forum for replies but if you prefer not to clog up the forum, please pm me.

I am simply trying to gather “ammunition”.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Like yourself Pete we are going to be affected by this vehicle age discrimination. In fact at this time we would be the only trainer using Chelmsford test centre that would have to be loaded for test.

If they have decided that loaded trucks would provide a better test environment then surely the vehicle age is irrelevant. In 30 years of training I have never known of a different rule for certain vehicles based on the vehicle’s age. In 2007 when the 8 speed gearbox rule was brought in, it applied to all vehicles.

If the changes are made as currently proposed it makes sense to change to older vehicles for a few years until the playing field is level again. However as you well know older vehicles are more worn out, harder to control and not so effective for getting a good pass rate.

So what’s worse an old worn out but unladen vehicle or a nice new one carrying a load?