Newbie to euro work

Hi all sorry if it’s been mentioned befor, started a new job about 6 week back wi be doing a lot of Ireland and some Euro work. When I’m on daily rest waiting to board ferry doi do my ferry movements with card in or out? if the card is out do I have to put it in if I have to leave port to find somewhere to finish break

Do it with your card in…And to be honest.There’s no need for you to take your card out.

Keep the card in the whole time, boat movements can cause problems if not done properly remember you can only do a 13 hour day. If interrupting your break keep a diary of all your boat movements as unless you have one of the very latest taco’s they will show up as infringements and when these are pointed out if you can refer to your diary in front of DVSA or the coppers it generally saves a lot of hassle.

Whilst waiting for ferries, scroll down on your tacho menu to out of scope, click out of scope & select ferry !