Newbie needs advice please!

Hi i am currently studying for my class 2 theory test and am reading the official dsa theory test for drivers of large vehicles, do i need to learn the parts marked with a coach as well as the lorry parts or just the lorry parts ■■ thanks :confused:

Yes. You need the lorry only questions and the lorry/bus questions.

great ! so not the bus only questions ? thats good

Yeah only read the lorry questions.

For example: Pull out, indicate then look in your mirrors would be wrong in a truck test but would net you full marks in a bus :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah only read the lorry questions.

For example: Pull out, indicate then look in your mirrors would be wrong in a truck test but would net you full marks in a bus :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahahaha - like it :laughing:

As would ensuring that, even in a dedicated bus lay-by, you always leave the rear of your vehicle sticking out a couple of feet into the main carriageway :slight_smile:

lol cheers fellas :smiley: