Newbie gets a job!

hi every one

folowing on from this thread earlier in the year… I'm a newbie - and i've got an interview! - NEW AND WANNABE DRIVERS (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

last friday, this company phoned while i was at work to ask me in for a sencond interview, practically offering my a job over the phone.
i get home, and the missus says Robert Wiseman’s have just phoned asking if your still interested in a job (i sent my CV to them earlier in the year)

Fast forward to yesterday morning (Monday) i have my second interview for the kerbside recycling driver job and get offered the job. then in the afternoon i have interview and driving assesment with wiseman’s, both go very well.

this evening i get a phone call from wiseman’s offering me the job which i’m gonna take.
i’m totally chuffed and can’t believe two jobs came along on the same day!!

just goes to show that there is hope for new drivers and to just keep on trying.


Well done mate, bet you’re well chuffed! Is it C or C+E? How long have you had your licence(s)?

it’s cat C and i’ve had my licence for 4 months

Fantastic news, I’m dead chuffed for you. :smiley: :smiley:
Where are you?

Fantastic news, I’m dead chuffed for you. :smiley: :smiley:
Where are you?
