Only been a Class 2 driver for 4days. On Friday night I ejected my digi card but didn’t put it to rest mode before hand. When I insert my card in the morning, will everything be OK or do I have to do a manual entry showing a rest period from Friday night to Monday morning?
I’ve never put my tacho on bed before I took it out but I always try to put in a manual entry the next time I was in the truck.
Yes will be fine, might want to post stuff like this in the new drivers section though.
You don’t need to select rest when you eject the card. When you next put your card in it will automatically assume you’ve been on rest unless you do a manual entry to tell it otherwise
Thanks guys - it has been troubling me all weekend
Try not to worry too much about daft things like this. In spite of what other folks might tell you, if you make a genuine mistake…and you havent here btw, the people in charge, cops, vosa, etc will understand if you
re new at the job and not trying to pull a fast one.
Only been a Class 2 driver for 4days. On Friday night I ejected my digi card but didn’t put it to rest mode before hand. When I insert my card in the morning, will everything be OK or do I have to do a manual entry showing a rest period from Friday night to Monday morning?
Depends on the tacho. On some when you put it in it’ll put up the date you took it out and say “End of shift?”. You use the up/down arrow to select Y… It’ll record the time between the last time you took it out and either when you put the card in or when you made the manual entry from as rest. Then it’ll go on and ask you if you want to make a manual entry which you do if say you started at 05:00 and didn’t put the card in until 05:05 so want to cover that 5 minutes.
Type 2 has two dates on two rows. First is when you took it out, the second is the current date and time. On this one you have to make an entry to cover the time. Make sure the symbol on the left is set to bed, press OK and keep pressing OK until the time flashes on the right. It’ll be set to the time you put the card in. Set it to when you started the shift if you want to go back as above or just press OK if you want the time you put the card in. Once you’ve done that it’ll then make you make a manual entry to cover from the time you put the card in or backdated the time to until the time it is at this point.
I have to do the manual entry every day as when I take my card out, I have to put the keys in the office then clock out.
In the mornings it could be 10mins after I clock in before I put my card in.
Can I just put my card in and not do the manual entry every morning?
You should always do a manual entry regarding your start/finish times and what you’ve done inbetween.
It’s just like writing your start/finish times on the back of a tacho disc.
Eat My BB:
I have to do the manual entry every day as when I take my card out, I have to put the keys in the office then clock out.
In the mornings it could be 10mins after I clock in before I put my card in.Can I just put my card in and not do the manual entry every morning?
legally you are required too as you need to account for all work you do.
Eat My BB:
I have to do the manual entry every day as when I take my card out, I have to put the keys in the office then clock out.
In the mornings it could be 10mins after I clock in before I put my card in.Can I just put my card in and not do the manual entry every morning?
legally you are required too as you need to account for all work you do.
I thought that, it’s just everyone else where I’m at the moment never add anything.
‘…I ejected my digi card but didn’t put it to rest mode before hand…’
Nor should you - because dabbling with tacho’s is a legislated work requirement
Happy Keith:
‘…I ejected my digi card but didn’t put it to rest mode before hand…’Nor should you - because dabbling with tacho’s is a legislated work requirement
When covering tachos on my CPC course, we were told that if your motor was a 12 plate or later with the later type of tacho, (2.4?)you were supposed to put the mode to break before you eject the card and do a manual entry at the start of the next shift, which if you’ve done no other work only means pressing enter, enter, enter, enter.
I’ve always put the mode on break at the end of shift anyway no matter what age the motor or tacho.
You don’t need to select rest when you eject the card. When you next put your card in it will automatically assume you’ve been on rest unless you do a manual entry to tell it otherwise
Are you 100% squeaky clean sure…
Always change mode to rest / break on removal of card.
Always change mode to rest / break on removal of card.
Generally speaking that is correct, however doing a manual entry the following morning to account for the time between you pulling your card, and actually finishing your shift (ie: booking off at the office) would mean that selecting rest when you pull your card would be incorrect. For example: if I add time onto my timesheet to make up for the break I`m deducted (I pull my card at 15:00, but book off at 15:45) I generally do a manual entry the following day/shift, so that when they download my card, the read out tally’s with my timesheet.
I have had times in the past where certain hauliers only pay up to the time the card is pulled & not allowing for booking off / debrief time, & putting it onto rest prior to pulling my card would show the time I pulled it