So today I went to see an agency, filled out a zillion forms and had an informal interview. So far so good. I asked what sort of chance I had of actually getting a drive (I have no experience but loads of enthusiasm!) He said probably get me something by Thursday or Friday of this week on a rigid to start with (I have my C+E).
So, brilliant thinks I. However, now I am dead nervous, thinking of loads of little things I don’t know!
- What happens if i need fuel? Will they give me a card?
- If it’s an older wagon, am I responsible for getting hold of tacho cards or will ‘they’ (agency or the company I’m driving for) give me a handfull? Or are they mostly digital now? I have a digi card.
- Will the delivery notes have comtact numbers on them for if (when) I get lost and can’t find their entrance?
- Should I just stop worrying and just ask someone in the yard when (IF) I get there?
Thanks in advance for any replies, I know it’s early days, but this is the closest I have come to a job so far. Fore warned is fore armed and all that.
I’m off to wait by the phone