New trucks before august

like most firms mine continually renew trucks.
but i have just heard that they have just placed an order for 60 trucks to be delivered before the end of august and thus missing out on the digital tacho.
does anyone know any others doing this :question:
is my firm saving money or are they just waiting to see how it goes, maybe even both :question:
lm led to beleive that all the information stored on the drivers cards has to be downloaded onto a database of some sort the uploaded onto a master card then sent of for analysis on a regular basis. what sort of computer would be needed for this :question:

don’t know the ins n outs of it but i have been told that all hgv’s will have to be fitted with digital tacho’s by 2009 if this is true it will see a lot of old wagons dissapear of the roads.

the co i am working for at the mo is updating all its fleet to 54 plate mercs to be compleate befor august

i still don’t see everything being ready for the introduction of the digital tachograph by august this year.
the prototypes have still to undergo realistic testing, the smart card are still a long way off and i feel sure that if the government or dvla introduce the proposed fee of between £36 and £48 for them they will be waiting a long time for anyone to apply for one.
when they do decide to do something i will be making a stand and asking everyone for support by not parting with your money now thats got to be easy hasn’t it?
instead of trying to get drivers out on strike where they may lose money or their jobs i will be asking them not to fill out forms, not to send off photo’s and more importantly and possibly the winning theme here, not to part with any hard earned cash.

is it the driver that has to pay the fees or the company that they work for :question:

is it the driver that has to pay the fees or the company that they work for :question:

the driver kitkat

i would imagine any decent company would pay for the cards , as they pay for medicals …
if not i certainly aint forking out for it … dvla/eu want me to have then they can bloody pay for it :laughing:

i wont be paying on principal.

In the last week…I have no idea where… but I have read that the only people who are geared up for digi tachoes are the French!!! and they are going to enforce it big time!!! The French are seemingly seeing this as a gravy train to fill their coffers even more from poor drivers!! BUT the report also said that the EU will come down hard on the French for ‘restraint of trade’ if they do!
How unusual for the French to be ahead of everyone else in EU legislation??

Interesting. It’s one thing to say that you won’t pay the fee for the drivers card but it’s entirely another to actually do it. I wonder how many drivers will actually make the stand like they say :confused: :question:

If it’s anything like those that go on about striking, then I can see the DVLA will be rubbing their hands together with glee very soon…

And it would be the perfect excuse to get some more Eastern European drivers into work. The companies could easily pay for their cards, because they would soon recoup the costs from savings in wages (about one week should do it). :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: .

“EC tacho reg’s slide back into choas”, digital tacho reg’s are delayed until November,as the industry reel’s at the news,operators fume.Quoted from commercial motor .Also in short,operators criticise eu bureaucrat’s for continued delays ,& confusion about digi tachos, second reading of legislation in June, wont be approved until autumn , also to the operational problems the delay has thrown DVLA,truck and equipment manufacturer’s into disarray, without legislation being ratified by euro parliament target’s wont be feasible.