New truck market 2013

Read who’s sold what and how many here…plus an alarming prediction for next year.

Interesting, thanks. Scania & Iveco are the only ones making market share gains then.

Very annoying to see Iveco gaining pace. :angry: I had a Stralis 460 ECO model this week and it is without a doubt the worst truck on the road today. :angry:

Same as i got its definitley ■■■■

Rob K:
Very annoying to see Iveco gaining pace. :angry: I had a Stralis 460 ECO model this week and it is without a doubt the worst truck on the road today. :angry:

I’ve not driven a modern Iveco yet so I can’t really comment , but I don’t think that there is actually a “bad truck” on the road today, it’s more like that drivers and operators today are more discerning, and expect higher standards in quality and comfort, and rightly so.
It’s definitely not like the old days when you could buy a British motor with 60s technology or a Swedish motor which was worlds apart, then there WAS a good and bad motor situation going on. Today you get some drivers slagging off a motor as “bad” if it has fewer features or inferior curtains, or a less padded bunk or something :unamused: , it’s just that some trucks are better than others today, as standards have improved vastly over the last 10 to 15 years or so.

It’s a bad ole time for BMC then, down 100%

I don’t suppose the sales team are overworked, 1 truck last year and none this year :laughing:

The then UK importer went bust last year.

There’s a new importer, but only doing the buses, + dustcarts if you want one. It’s Pelican Engineering: once a big Foden dealer.

Anyone remember when the BMC trucks were imported with ERF badges…they were the worst ERFs ever!

I remember looking at their skip-loader and struggling to work out which end the rubbish was meant to go in.

By all accounts the modern buses are far better.

Same as i got its definitley [zb]

Interested to know what you don’t like about it: for instance is it the Eco-specific features, or more deep seated than that?

No personal agenda here for me: I don’t work for Iveco, but it’s interesting to find out what people think about different trucks and why.


Rob K:
Very annoying to see Iveco gaining pace. :angry: I had a Stralis 460 ECO model this week and it is without a doubt the worst truck on the road today. :angry:

I’ve not driven a modern Iveco yet so I can’t really comment , but I don’t think that there is actually a “bad truck” on the road today, it’s more like that drivers and operators today are more discerning, and expect higher standards in quality and comfort, and rightly so.
It’s definitely not like the old days when you could buy a British motor with 60s technology or a Swedish motor which was worlds apart, then there WAS a good and bad motor situation going on. Today you get some drivers slagging off a motor as “bad” if it has fewer features or inferior curtains, or a less padded bunk or something :unamused: , it’s just that some trucks are better than others today, as standards have improved vastly over the last 10 to 15 years or so.


If you ever try to drive (or even just have a ride) in a preserved example of a 1950s truck you can only wonder at what it must have been like to earn a living in one.

Noise, fumes, extremes of temperature, no power steering, frightening brakes, painfully slow. I can only think that the sheer toughness of the job made the men who did it as hard as nails. But I don’t suppose that many made it to retirement without arthritis etc having crippled them.

It’ll be interesting to see the sales figures for 2014. I reckon they’re all selling well this year because no one welcomes the Euro 6 we have looking us in the face next year.


Rob K:
Very annoying to see Iveco gaining pace. :angry: I had a Stralis 460 ECO model this week and it is without a doubt the worst truck on the road today. :angry:

Why what was the problem with it , I’ve been looking at a few of the latest trucks available lately ,new fh ,actros, G & R cabbed scanias & new xf and the new iveco is up there with all of them ! Its a huge improvement on its previous model which in all fairness was well up to the job any way it just lacked any of the fineness of its contemporaries .


Rob K:
Very annoying to see Iveco gaining pace. :angry: I had a Stralis 460 ECO model this week and it is without a doubt the worst truck on the road today. :angry:

Why what was the problem with it , I’ve been looking at a few of the latest trucks available lately ,new fh ,actros, G & R cabbed scanias & new xf and the new iveco is up there with all of them ! Its a huge improvement on its previous model which in all fairness was well up to the job any way it just lacked any of the fineness of its contemporaries .

ZZ TOP Looks happy in his Iveco Nick :smiley:

It’ll be interesting to see the sales figures for 2014. I reckon they’re all selling well this year because no one welcomes the Euro 6 we have looking us in the face next year.


The market will be on its ares next year.

Euro 6 = £10,000 price increase…wait…who will blink first and start to drop their prices?


Rob K:
Very annoying to see Iveco gaining pace. :angry: I had a Stralis 460 ECO model this week and it is without a doubt the worst truck on the road today. :angry:

I’ve not driven a modern Iveco yet so I can’t really comment , but I don’t think that there is actually a “bad truck” on the road today, it’s more like that drivers and operators today are more discerning, and expect higher standards in quality and comfort, and rightly so.
It’s definitely not like the old days when you could buy a British motor with 60s technology or a Swedish motor which was worlds apart, then there WAS a good and bad motor situation going on. Today you get some drivers slagging off a motor as “bad” if it has fewer features or inferior curtains, or a less padded bunk or something :unamused: , it’s just that some trucks are better than others today, as standards have improved vastly over the last 10 to 15 years or so.

Comfort and space wise they are absolutely fine, although not to my personal taste but they’re certainly not a bad truck in that respect. It’s how they drive that’s my gripe with them. Every option has been disabled so you have no manual override at all and because they’re the eco model the entire rev range has been disabled except for 300 rpm between 1150 and 1450 (yes I’m being serious). If revs drop below 1150 it changes down, if you try to go above 1450 it changes up. Now couple that with Iveco’s slow gear changes, a 26 tonne trailer and a some inclines and watch your blood pressure rise. If you’re still not “seeing” what is so utterly utterly annoying about this, try driving your current artic like that where you can’t go above 1450 or below 1150 rpm.

Cheers for that Rob,

So basically it is the Eco feature that ruins it for you.

With all the gearchanges, is there any extra fuel saving?


Rob K:
Very annoying to see Iveco gaining pace. :angry: I had a Stralis 460 ECO model this week and it is without a doubt the worst truck on the road today. :angry:

Why what was the problem with it , I’ve been looking at a few of the latest trucks available lately ,new fh ,actros, G & R cabbed scanias & new xf and the new iveco is up there with all of them ! Its a huge improvement on its previous model which in all fairness was well up to the job any way it just lacked any of the fineness of its contemporaries .

Spot on mate i had previous model as a od for 4yrs was a good truck only a starter motor and turbo apart from that trouble free a bit basic but comfy and spacious no longer a od got a xf105 but if after gave me new stralis i wont complane


Rob K:
Very annoying to see Iveco gaining pace. :angry: I had a Stralis 460 ECO model this week and it is without a doubt the worst truck on the road today. :angry:

Why what was the problem with it , I’ve been looking at a few of the latest trucks available lately ,new fh ,actros, G & R cabbed scanias & new xf and the new iveco is up there with all of them ! Its a huge improvement on its previous model which in all fairness was well up to the job any way it just lacked any of the fineness of its contemporaries .

Spot on mate i had previous model as a od for 4yrs was a good truck only a starter motor and turbo apart from that trouble free a bit basic but comfy and spacious no longer a od got a xf105 but if after gave me new stralis i wont complane

That ‘Other Imports’ company are having it good. a +722% rise…

Anyone drove one of their trucks yet?


Cheers for that Rob,

So basically it is the Eco feature that ruins it for you.

With all the gearchanges, is there any extra fuel saving?

I am doubtful and I can’t see how it can. Because it won’t hold a lower gear when climbing somewhere like Windy Hill it is constantly changing up and down between 10th and 11th all the way up and will change between 10-15 times throughout the climb. Given that you will lose speed each time it changes then how does that possibly save fuel over just holding it in 10th at say 1700-1800rpm until the incline starts to level off? It’s pointless it changing into 11th because after changing it’s down at 1150rpm and the truck simply doesn’t have enough power - and more importantly - torque at that rpm to pull itself up.

Compare these to say an FM/FH or current auto DAF or Renault and you can see the difference straight away as all these are intelligent enough to hold a lower gear at higher revs even in full auto mode. In short the Stralis’ are [zb] and have been designed by monkeys that don’t have to drive them.