New start od questions

been asked before am sure cant get idea of setting up on my own out my head best insurance co to get new start od etc plan is unit only to start been told co I work with will give me work and help with fuel maintenance etc been calling round for quotes insurance for new start with 12 plate cf £2500 ish per year git :question: help car transporter work what should max out at can be 8 aution cars or 8 new mercs 20yrs employed 13yrs on car transporters got transport manager/yard/and what I think plenty of chance of work any exta advise on costs of start up where to ask first bank/truck dealer /insurance etc diesel for blood cant get thought out ma head :blush: tin hat and body armour at the ready :laughing:

There are lots and lots of threads on here about starting up on your own, spend a couple of hours and read them all, you will be doing yourself a favour and get a real insight into what is involved, there are lots to gain from being self employed but there is so much more to lose if you fall ill or lose the work, no one can tell you what to do - that is your decision alone, I don’t think the banks will help to be honest, even with a cast iron business plan they will want the deeds to your house and a go on your wife twice a week plus get your kids to sweep the banks chimney.
The biggest question to ask once again is “What am I prepared to lose?” House, marriage, kids … do your homework before making up your mind and good luck.

Yes, I don’t think any bank would be prepared to lend unsecured money to a new-start business at the moment, although you could get asset finance for the truck, albeit at a high rate of interest. If the company you propose to sub to are prepared to supply diesel and maintenance and contra it against your payments that will help, although you will still need to show a minimum bank balance of £7,400 to satisfy financial standing requirements. Just make sure you do plenty of maths before deciding your next move.

Least you are looking at a niche market that is busy at the moment & not trying to do crap work at £1.30 per mile. All the answers you seek are on the search function. Best of luck.

You can rent a motor off Ryder at a shade over £400 per week if you want peace of mind but obviously it will never be yours & is a pricey way of running but at least you will have no big, unforeseen bills to begin with.

cheers guys not as much don’t do it yer mad as expected driven old and new over years contract maintained and in house my prefer red route is 6x2 small mid lift so can get a bit more chassis space for wet kit large tank super space/giga space type unit contract hire/lease don’t fancy a massive repair bill and costly maintenance my last daf 6yrs old and apart from hole in rad no real bills in that time and use branded tyres no blow outs with remolds had bad time over the years with them all a more costly I no but never lost more than 2 hrs work time in the last 8yrs this way unlike previous yrs never a week went buy without a break down question about fuel cards do you have to pay up front with any as a new start or is it pay weekly plan is to use the fuel with work and deduct from earnings again may be cost more but not havin 2 use my own cash at start would get 6x2 more scope for work etc what does it cost to join independent tyre network or better with big boys all seem to have same response time any time had a puncture

question about fuel cards do you have to pay up front with any as a new start or is it pay weekly plan is to use the fuel with work and deduct from earnings again may be cost more but not havin 2 use my own cash at start would get 6x2 more scope for work etc what does it cost to join independent tyre network or better with big boys all seem to have same response time any time had a puncture

Depending on your credit rating you should be able to get a fuel card without having to pay a bond, UK Fuels are easier to get credit from than Keyfuels, in my experience anyway. You could get an account with ATS for tyres and that wouldn’t cost anything, but on the one occasion I’ve had a blowout I just looked on the laptop for a local commercial tyre company and then phoned them.