New "Scamera's" on A420 Swindon-Oxford

Anyone any clues what these new cameras are for…■■

There are 4 of them on the A420 between Swindon-Oxford.

  1. As you approach the railway bridge on the Wilts-Oxon border, camera on n/s facing Swindon…

  2. Just after the roundabout on the Wantage junction, camera on n/s facing Oxford.

  3. Again just after roundabout, at the Kingston Bagpuss / Witney junction, camera n/s facing Swindon.

  4. Just as you approach the roundabout before the A34, on the hill. Again this camera faces Swindon.

They look the same as the ones on the Oxford ring road, so may be just traffic monitors.

However, they do look a bit like the “Specs” cameras…

They are grey in colour, about 8ft up…

The camera listed at number 3, is hidden from view as you head towards Swindon, however, people should be slowing for the roundabout, but if its a speed camera, it would get you bang to rights…



Was this the ‘Specs’ Cameras that was on the News recently? They can ‘track’ you for up to 30 miles. Apparently they ‘talk’ to each other over the Internet. Billox. :cry: :cry: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Logistics Loader:
Anyone any clues what these new cameras are for…■■

There are 4 of them on the A420 between Swindon-Oxford.

  1. As you approach the railway bridge on the Wilts-Oxon border, camera on n/s facing Swindon…

  2. Just after the roundabout on the Wantage junction, camera on n/s facing Oxford.

  3. Again just after roundabout, at the Kingston Bagpuss / Witney junction, camera n/s facing Swindon.

  4. Just as you approach the roundabout before the A34, on the hill. Again this camera faces Swindon.

They look the same as the ones on the Oxford ring road, so may be just traffic monitors.

However, they do look a bit like the “Specs” cameras…

They are grey in colour, about 8ft up…

The camera listed at number 3, is hidden from view as you head towards Swindon, however, people should be slowing for the roundabout, but if its a speed camera, it would get you bang to rights…



Going by what you are saying about the colour etc they are in fact ANPR camera’s not speed camera’s. we have got some round near me that have sprung up.

Have seen police at 3am on sunday morning sitting on roundabout just after camera’s seeing if anyone driving with no tax etc.

I’ll try and get a picture up this afternoon.

Are these the one’s you mean :question: :exclamation:

If so they are ANPR camera’s not speed camera. Although like you said people still break for them…


pics resized…Denis F

We had some grey specs cameras appear over a short stretch of the A12, they were monitoring traffic via ANPR technology but did have a mobile VMS sign that would flash up


or whatever offending reg.

It was stated that they were not for speeding but I never took the cahnce,

The pix are not the ones on the A420.

If you imagine how the standard yellow specs cameras look, it is a 1pc unit with twin round lenses, and a relector either side… just found a link which someone thinks they are traffic monitors…

will do some more digging on this one…

Are these the one’s you mean :question: :exclamation:

If so they are ANPR camera’s not speed camera. Although like you said people still break for them…


pics resized…Denis F

That would make sense with the vosa station by the M5 roundabout, anything coming from Oxford to Swindon, by the time they get to the vosa checkpoint they will know who to pull in and who to leave.

No Semtex…

nothing like em… think you also mean M4 not M5 !!

found this pic, which is very similar, but the colour is grey…!!!

this is an ANPR camera…so the website says…

Logistics Loader:
No Semtex…

nothing like em… think you also mean M4 not M5 !!

found this pic, which is very similar, but the colour is grey…!!!

this is an ANPR camera…so the website says…

Yeah, the “other” M5 aka M4 :blush:

I drive this road on about 50% of my shifts and saw the cameras you were talking about for the first time last night. Well, I saw the one by the railway bridge, and another further up and I too wondered. I’m sure they just monitor traffic flow or tax evaders.
I’m sure if they were speed cameras, even the average speed ones, signs woud be put up to tell you. I wouldn’t worry too much, not at 40mph anyway :smiley:

had a look today and they look like anpr camera’s, got then in oxford as well, saw them using on one of the police series a couple of weeks ago,
will be used to monitor numbers traveling A420 so that plod can keep an eye on the local scrouts traveling around up to no good :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Driving down the A421 westbound in Milton Keynes i noticed 2 gantry’s have been put up on the west bound side only about 1/4 mile fromr each other, the pole going across the carraige way has about 16 wires poking out across the top of the poles at the min which i’m assuming is ready for the SPECS.

Has anybody else seen these 2 gantry’s go up or have an idea what they are going to be used for :question: :question:

If they are speed cameras there should be some sort of marking in the road. Even the average speed cameras has a thin white line in the road. Not seen these as the last time I used the A420 was about 2 months ago picking a full load of slabs up from Rogers Concrete.