Agency has just phoned and I am going to Cannock in
Staffordshire and then to somewhere in Birmingham and
then back to Sheffield instead of the Abingdon Leicester
run and a 05:00 start.
Nice one, Convoy. I’m glad to hear you are finally getting some shifts.
Nice one, Convoy. I’m glad to hear you are finally getting some shifts.
I almost got the wales run again today but I was not
able to take the call at that time so missed out. At the
moment I just do enough work to live on while I sort
class 1 training out then I will look for a permanent job
If or when I pass.
WHEN, convoy, when!
Glad you are getting stuff now.
It’s about time . Good luck with the training and glad it’s all going well.
Convoy nice to know work is coming your way and your enoying it. Hope the class one training goes okay.
if you come back on the 42 and m1 look out for an old daf 75, white cab, eminox and steel posts down the side of the body, it’ll be me as i’ve a load of steel to wolverhampton and back to sheff.
I set off from sheffield to Cannock this morning about 04:50 hours and got to the first drop in just over 2 hours but could not find the place so asked a bloke if he knew it and he said no and then suggested I try the next road which I did but still could not find it so I went to another industrial estate about a few hundred yards up the road from the first one I tried but still could not find it. So then I phoned the company I am doing the work for but know one there so I then go through the paper work and find a contact number a give them a call and it was where I was in the first place but could not be seen as it was in a yard behind a big electrical warehouse and had no business sign. As I was speaking to the warehouse staff one said he could not find it when he went for is interview there.
After finding the place I said to the person who was unloading with me have you got a forklift as they did not have a bay and his reply was we don’t have things like that here. So my next question was do you have an idea how this tail lift works as I don’t and his reply was no. So I had to teach myself how this tail lift works just like last weeks pallet truck. I got all the pallets off the truck and he took them in to the warehouse then put his pallet truck away and said those four there are yours and then went off somewhere leaving me to get them out the loading bay and then put them on the truck which I thought that was nice of him.
Then went to coseley for last collection making sure I miss the M6 Tolls as I had only £4 on me. I got to the collection point and it was closed and the phone number was no longer in use so I asked the people in the next unit and they said now one as been there for a while so quick call to the company that I was working for and the they said hang about for 10 mins or so and they will get back to me. So I went and had a look at the karting circuit and then had a 17 min break while chatting to another driver who told me to take the 42 as its the way he goes to miss the tolls.
All in all it was a very good day and I put the tacho in right this time. I was driving down one road and there was to young kids on the motorway bridge giving the sign for truckers to blast there air horns now that brings back childhood memories.
I cant recall seeing you paul but I was back at sheffeild at 14:00 hours.
I had the assessment booked for tuesday but they called today why I was out and said they had double booked or needed the lesson for someone who had a test or had failed one and needed that slot and said they will call back next week to arrange another appointment. The company’s that I have phoned say do an assessment then there will be a 2 to 3 week wait so should be looking around the middle to end of april time.
sounds like a good day. i can symapthise with your tacho problems!!! put mine in wrong way round on my first job felt a right clown!!
good luck with the clas 1 training
i can symapthise with your tacho problems!!! put mine in wrong way round on my first job felt a right clown!!
I’ve done it a couple of times, I’m sure why, but I have
It’s like when the tacho chews your chart & it’s not your fault, you just know the office girl KNOWS it was your fault, by the way HE listens to you
I mean how many TM’s have an HGV let alone know the rules ?, unless it’s the ones that benifit them & some of those are dubious.
convoy, youi’ll not have seen me, i was held up in wolverhampton waiting to tip so didn’t set off back while 2.30 ish.
Convoy quote " had no business sign", this really annoys me, how do people expect you to find them when you don’t tell them where you are.
Where was you paul b I went to cannon business park and was behind a indoor karting unit and there was also a bloke restoring old cars and building kit cars ect a bit further up. There security guard nearly dropped the barrier down on me after I followed another truck out and the when he seen me he put his hand up in the stop position and it looked as though he types all the registrations in of vehicles who come and go then I could go.
I haven’t had a chewed chart yet daxi and don’t want one and your right you do get some stick of the TM. When I put the tacho in wrong last time the TM got there training accessor to come over and I then got do you know the driving hours and wanted me to have a driving assessment and when I went yesterday he gave me a 26 page print out of the driving hours which is on the vosa web site which saves me printing it I suppose. What gets me is I have driven twice for them and brought the vehicle back in the same condition I took it and had no complaints so must be doing ok and through a lack of experience I put the tacho in wrong and they want you to prove you can drive by having an assessment talk about kicking you when you are already down but by the sounds of things I better get used to it from TM.
You do feel stupid when you make mistakes bigjoe but we learn from
them hopefully but its a very steep learning curve in the meantime.
Convoy quote " had no business sign", this really annoys me, how do people expect you to find them when you don’t tell them where you are.
Yes it is annoying as you go straight to the road and there was not many people about and the ones who where from the units near it did not know of it. I am glad I had a contact number for them or I would have had to wait to the place I was doing the work for to get to work.