New Renault Premium has defeated me

Rob K:

Thats a weird one,i cant see them moving it as it wasnt big or in the way,it must be somewhere else Rob as its not that hard to find with a decent look,got me baffled now,let us know where it is when you do find it,theres plenty of adjustment in them,up and down and the wheel sort of slides out of the colum too if you get me,i will look it up in my owners manual tomorrow and see if it says anything different,i hope you find it soon.

I’ll have another look next time but I’d bet a large amount of money there’s nowt there, seriously.

like this :wink:

On a separate note, what does the push lever/button do down the door side of the seat? It’s in the sort of position for an external cupboard door release, but as the truck doesn’t have one… It’s quite stiff to press down. .

this one

opens this (if you pull it up !)

Rob K:
I’ll have another look next time but I’d bet a large amount of money there’s nowt there, seriously.

It’s a good thing I didn’t as I had the same truck last night and the button was there, clear as day. :open_mouth: I swear they’ve added it since I was last in it as I spent ages looking for it and found nowt! :open_mouth:

blimey denis what you smoking ? you appear to have a large amount of rough cut tobacco on you floor :open_mouth:

Rob K:

Rob K:
I’ll have another look next time but I’d bet a large amount of money there’s nowt there, seriously.

It’s a good thing I didn’t as I had the same truck last night and the button was there, clear as day. :open_mouth: I swear they’ve added it since I was last in it as I spent ages looking for it and found nowt! :open_mouth:

should have gone to

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

blimey denis what you smoking ? you appear to have a large amount of rough cut tobacco on you floor :open_mouth:

shhhhh, it’s not tobacco :wink:

What age and engine is yours Den? That badge on the outside looks like a 2nd gen one. 450 or 460 auto? Do you like it and how has performed for you since you’ve had it?

Denis F:

blimey denis what you smoking ? you appear to have a large amount of rough cut tobacco on you floor :open_mouth:

shhhhh, it’s not tobacco :wink:

got ya … :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Rob K:
What age and engine is yours Den? That badge on the outside looks like a 2nd gen one. 450 or 460 auto? Do you like it and how has performed for you since you’ve had it?

it’s an 09 450 auto , just about to clock 200000kms , I definitely like it and would have another one !

Denis F:

Rob K:
What age and engine is yours Den? That badge on the outside looks like a 2nd gen one. 450 or 460 auto? Do you like it and how has performed for you since you’ve had it?

it’s an 09 450 auto , just about to clock 200000kms , I definitely like it and would have another one !

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :sunglasses:

I dont suppose there is a rocker switch on the dash just above your left knee and hidden from view by the steering wheel… ■■? thats if there isnt a foot switch under the plastic floormat which you would operate with your right heel… a round impression in the mat about 2 inches diameter near seat front right corner


Where the [zb] is the steering column adjuster■■? :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth:

The old ones were a little foot switch on the floor, a bit like older exhaust brakes but were hidden under the mat/rubber floor. They were not immediately obvious to look at, easier to feel with your foot.

Of course they’ve probably changed it now so ignore everything I’ve said and wait for someone else to come along with the right answer.

It’s a little toggle lever bottom left of the lower steering column cowling.

Down to release, up to lock. Uses air pressure.

It’s a little toggle lever bottom left of the lower steering column cowling.

Down to release, up to lock. Uses air pressure.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: There wasn’t one on the one I was driving yesterday. I spent a full 20 mins searching everywhere I could think of. The cowling was clean with no buttons, levers or anything else on it. :open_mouth:

Rob K:

It’s a little toggle lever bottom left of the lower steering column cowling.

Down to release, up to lock. Uses air pressure.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: There wasn’t one on the one I was driving yesterday. I spent a full 20 mins searching everywhere I could think of. The cowling was clean with no buttons, levers or anything else on it. :open_mouth:

Should have gone to Specsavers :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

Its there believe me, stand outside cab and look from the floor up along the lefthand side of the steering column and you WILL see a little black toggle switch, it is hard to find though. :wink:

Bottom right hand side of the seat, button you press with your heel, Rob. IIRC

it is there rob . whats up have your eyes fell off ? :open_mouth:

Rob K:

Where the [zb] is the steering column adjuster■■? :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth:

you seem to be getting a bit stressed about this driving lark :wink: ,deep breaths,slowly,in/out/in/out,now thats better :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Maybe somebody’s nicked it, along with the owner’s manual. :slight_smile:

Big Truck:

Rob K:

It’s a little toggle lever bottom left of the lower steering column cowling.

Down to release, up to lock. Uses air pressure.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: There wasn’t one on the one I was driving yesterday. I spent a full 20 mins searching everywhere I could think of. The cowling was clean with no buttons, levers or anything else on it. :open_mouth:

Should have gone to Specsavers :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

Its there believe me, stand outside cab and look from the floor up along the lefthand side of the steering column and you WILL see a little black toggle switch, it is hard to find though. :wink:

Do you drive a left ■■■■■■ ? :confused: