New Renault/New Volvo

I thought that the new Renault was the same cab as the new Volvo.
Is it? as it does look smaller on the road, or is the Volvo set up higher on the chassis.
I believe it is also the same drive line, so is it the same price as a Volvo or a cheaper version, if it is, surely from a fleet point of view the Renault option is a no brainer, although maybe a different story from the driver’s point of view.

I thought that the new Renault was the same cab as the new Volvo.
Is it? as it does look smaller on the road, or is the Volvo set up higher on the chassis.
I believe it is also the same drive line, so is it the same price as a Volvo or a cheaper version, if it is, surely from a fleet point of view the Renault option is a no brainer, although maybe a different story from the driver’s point of view.

No, the Renault cab is renault, the Volvo cab is Volvo, but everything else under the cab is volvo, except the bits that say renault, but they are still volvo.

although maybe a different story from the driver’s point of view.

You’ll notice that the majority of people who moan about Renaults being crap are the ones who have not driven one.

I agree with m1cks comment, looks are decieving, it is a far supperior driving experience than the the daft 85 i’m driving now gives.


although maybe a different story from the driver’s point of view.

You’ll notice that the majority of people who moan about Renaults being crap are the ones who have not driven one.

Being that they are both new models, I suppose it’s unlikely that many have experience of both (maybe apart from agency day men) but I wonder which is the best from a Tramper’s point of view, from a ‘live in’ perspective.
I’m asking this as I saw one painted up (Renault) in our main depot.

We’ve just got 2 as an extramper id be quite happy to have one all week

Firm may be buying a couple of Renaults this year in stead of Mercs…is this good or bad ?

…is this good or bad ?

Will your take home pay or hours suffer?


…is this good or bad ?

Will your take home pay or hours suffer?

And your point is ?

Here’s 3 more important points to consider along with your " hours and pay conundrum" when wondering if going from Mercedes to Renault is good or bad.

Will he have to take earlier retirement…

Will they only pay 5p in the pound for sick pay…

Is euthanasia a possibility…

My point was : he asked if it would be a good thing or a bad thing, if his company got one type of vehicle over another.
If his wages and hours did not suffer, what difference would it make what he drives?
It was just an observation.

The cab is quite and comfortable the cab eqipment is good and they don’t feel like there built to flimsy either

The cab is quite and comfortable the cab eqipment is good and they don’t feel like there built to flimsy either

Thank you…At least someone understood the question… :wink: