new movies

Just wondering if theres any decent films knocking about out there,old or new? Just seen ‘killer elite’ no less and don’t think i’ve seen such cliched,corny garbage in ages.Whats the deal with that charisma free silverback,bouncer lookalike Jason Statham ffs ?..on the face of it you would think a film with De Niro would be half decent but this waste of space succeeds in making our world renowned Hereford regiment look ludicrous,almost as though that was the intention,given the no doubt heavy Hollywood treatment.I don’t go in for ■■■■■■■■■ violence just for it’s own sake but in the right hands of a master filmaker such as Tarantino,in Kill Bill for example,the violence can be mind blowingly entertaining,done with wit and panache,but jesus this killer elite dredges up the worst meat headed type of circa 1980’s redundant Stallone,Schwartzneger ■■■■■■■■ imaginable.

I often wonder where they find these Grant Mitchell lookalikes from,I mean it can’t be for their looks or personality can it?..on the plus side I check out ‘kill the irishman’ incredibly good film,as it says on the cd box it really is a sucessor to Goodfellas.

Can’t think of any good films but I highly recommend Breaking Bad which has Robert Cranston who plays the dad from Malcolm in the middle in it, very dark and very, very, very good. In to it’s 4th season now although you will only be able to buy the 1st two over here on dvd.

The walking dead is also good, if you like zombies, 1st season good although not as epic as the first episode, 2nd season has gone downhill though.

If you like your liquor and herbs & you aren’t too old I would also recommend trailer park boys, 7 seasons of comedy genius, “■■■■ jugs” anyone?

I enjoyed the new Sherlock Holmes not long ago, and will be checking out the new Underworld probably next week. We like a trip to the flicks.

Couldn’t really get my head round that recent Sherlock, so is he a demon like moriarty or an angel or was he just clever enough to fake his own death or was that his ghost at the end or are you not supposed to know, made my head hurt.

War Horse,is excellent and it suprised me coz I thought it was about a geordie pimp :blush: :laughing:

the girl with the dragon tattoo aint bad if you like films with a twist, saw the original film and not the remake with daniel craig, ironclad is a good one plenty of blood lol, or you could try priest action/horror which i thought wasn’t bad :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

War Horse,is excellent and it suprised me coz I thought it was about a geordie pimp :blush: :laughing:

I have sat through this also, my wife was crying 10 minutes in and never stopped till the end, not my kind of film though.

The trailer park boys movies…
the reason i fit so well into rural canada … :smiley: :smiley:
PC they are not… ■■■■ jugs its the way of the road …comedy gold!!!
bubbles… did i pass my truck driving test
:unamused: :unamused: examiner …youre gnf blind look at your glasses ricky …to examiner …well give my dope back then.

I am number four was a good watch on Saturday and so was Thor …

Dexter is good so is the walking dead. Breaking bad is one of the best things I have ever watched also a series called white collar is really good. Haven’t seen a really good film in a while apart from inception

iron lady is a good film but it has now been rated 18

as its no good for miners. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The guard is a good laugh so is Paul,Hannah is also a cracking film.

Like someone posted earlier I am number 4 is also top notch.

iron lady is a good film but it has now been rated 18

as its no good for miners. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

HAHAHAH! I heard they were going to make a version with a happy ending, where she carked it at the end!

War Horse,is excellent and it suprised me coz I thought it was about a geordie pimp :blush: :laughing:

They held the London premier of war horse on the Monday night, it was uploaded onto the net the same night, and on the tuesday night I plugged the cable from the laptop to my TV at home and watched it. Excellent quality, but a little slow to “get into” but if you intend to watch it, get your kleenex out towards the end :frowning:

Might not want to advertise you illegaly download films on a public forum, just sayin’ :wink:

You’ll probably be alright as they’re too busy fining speeding motorists though.

You can insert your own ■■■■■■■■■■ joke here…

Saw War Horse last weekend with Mrs G and it was a good film. Not as funny as Bambi’s mother being shot but quite moving :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Iron Lady is not bad if you can block out your own political bias (if that is the case).

I’m waiting to see The Artist - I assume it will be half price since there is no sound :laughing: :laughing: