New motor, New livery

Hi there this is my dad’s new motor. I’m sure many of you have seen Hargrave International’s trucks on UK & European roads over the years. They have just got a new livery but it looks very similiar to another firm. The original livery is the top photo with the new one being the bottom photo. Which one do you prefer? I know I prefer the traditional snowflake and blue Hi.

I voted for the old livery, its more original with the snowflake. Have Turners brought out Hargrave or do Hargrave do turners work.

Defiantly the first one as the second one looks to dated

the old ones better turners bought hargrave years ago but ran em as seperate companies :laughing:

Cheers for the reply Carl :blush: :blush: :blush: :slight_smile:

Turners bought Hargrave’s in 1996 but have kept them running under Hargrave’s old colours since now. They have just decided to drop the old livery and adopt a Turners one which I hate.

I like the old one more but Turners
is ok just looks to dated as Captain Matt

Nice pics Shaggy :slight_smile:

Turners should revert back to their original green livery. I wouldn’t have a problem seeing either fleet decked out in that - it was miles better than either of these…