New Moderator !

You have a new moderator !!

It was felt that we weren’t giving this forum proper attention and me coming in with my steel toe capped boots and a cattle prod when things got out of hand wasn’t really the best way of handling things ! So we found a Poacher and made him a Gamekeeper ! :grimacing:

Obviously the rest of the team and myself will pop our heads around the door to see whats going on every now and again, but for day to day stuff it’s over to Newmercman

Good Luck Mark :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Nice one,
But would you put Hitler in charge of the Gas Board :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

bugger, better be nice to him lol

Nice one,
But would you put Hitler in charge of the Gas Board :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I was thinking along these lines lol


Nice one,
But would you put Hitler in charge of the Gas Board :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I was thinking along these lines lol

OI, behave yourself or you’re the first two on my hit list :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■ me now the lunatics are in charge of the asylum :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Shall never mention dinosaur trucks again :laughing: .and this months article in Trucknews was simply awe inspiring :wink:

flat to the mat:
Shall never mention dinosaur trucks again :laughing: .and this months article in Trucknews was simply awe inspiring :wink:

Right then you rabble ^this^ is how it should be done, top of the class FTTM :wink: :laughing:

Congrats Mark … isn’t it great being a maderator ? I am one on :slight_smile:
Every so often I go through the member list and ban a few undesireables :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

As most of the members are Sceptic Tanks its a fun job.