as my post says not many merc trucks about these days. any particular reasons like,price,quality,reliability,availability, service and repair costs. all replies please. regards,jack preston.
I saw one of the new ones a the truck racing at brands. The front plastic bumper was rattling away like mad with the engine on tickover.
I asked the driver why he hadn’t had this sorted as it would drive me mad. His reply - it’s supposed to be like that as its supposed to be pedestrian friendly in an accident.
I just said OK and walked off in disbelief.
The poor fitment would put me off buying one if I was a purchaser.
as my post says not many merc trucks about these days. any particular reasons like,price,quality,reliability,availability, service and repair costs. all replies please. regards,jack preston.
It’s got to be down to price I reckon. You’re right though, you hardly see any new ones on the roads. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I see that MAN has a huge presence now due to their good deals for fleets. You see plenty of new DAFs and Renaults as well, along with Volvo to a lesser extent, but I’ve noticed new Scania’s are a bit thin on the ground in the big fleets too.
they sure do a lovely looking truck though…
Most Tesco and Sainsbury trucks in the south seem to be Mercedes these days.
My work is pretty much south of Birmingham, at night, and I see plenty of new Actros. A fair few are foreign registered though, I must admit.
I see plenty nightly trunk between Northumberland & North wales think we have around 30/40 now
Somebody mentioned build quality got ours 3rd week Sept2012 250,000ks later no probs got 4 on the same job 24/7 two 410ml trips a day sometimes drops odd weekend shift but only because no driver if that doesnt say something about build quality don
t know what does.
Both Meachers and Clarks Transport are getting/have the new Mercs.
I drove one of the Clarks ones, I needed oxygen on the climb up. I liked it, smooth, plenty of room, comfortable and quite in the cab on the move.
There are plenty coming in, I see a handful everyday at sunny killingHolme
how much would one of these units cost then.anyone know
Our new trucks are now the new Actros,far superior motor all round,much better than the Axor we have.
Seen a few new Mercs with Pentelvers today.
I seem to see plenty! As for price, we were quoted a 6x2 510hp at very competitive 5 year rates last October. Gaffer wasn’t biting though.
Hiya . I’ve just been to Germany for a month the Mercs are all over their, mostly on polish plates.
This Axor of Ivor Duggans is seen new here at Carmarthen two years ago. Ivor has been that pleased with it, he added a second new one to his fleet last year.
how much would that 8 legger of ivor duggans cost. on the road dave ,or any body know the price on these .merc have been in deep trouble over price fixing come on it shouldn’t be a secret.regards,jack.
how much would that 8 legger of ivor duggans cost. on the road dave ,or any body know the price on these .merc have been in deep trouble over price fixing come on it shouldn’t be a secret.regards,jack.![]()
All I can say Jack, is that Ivor wishes he had bought two when he bought the first one.
Cheers Dave.
I was speaking to a driver who had one on demo. He likend it to Katy price good looking from a distant but rough around the edges when you looked closer he also said it had no balls and decided to stick with daf. I think there a great looking truck but we have a merc and old atego and my boss said he’d never buy another however good a truck they make because our local dealer is appalling. Never have any parts on the shelf no matter how basic and when it goes in with a problem it comes back worse this could be a more widespread problem and hence people opting for other makes.
MB have always been a good lorry, often let down by inconsistencies in the dealer network. People with a good dealer will swear by them, people with a bad dealer will swear at them!
When I worked as a Merc salesman in 2008, the bulk of heavy truck production was earmarked for the Eastern European markets, so Axor/Actros availability was very limited.
This was a big reason to not be a Merc salesman anymore, not having product to sell was a bit of a problem as you can gather lol