New member saying hi.

Hi guys

As the user name I’m Dave (born in 68) and from Harlow, Essex. Never really thought about being a truck driver until recently, been through a couple of redundancies (Engineering) and recently lost job after 11 years and at nearly 46 was thinking what to do next. Got a mate who same age as me, known him since school (long time ago, lol) who been driving for 20 years and said come out with me and see what ya reckon…I did and enjoyed it.

Anyway, had my medical, sent it off to DVLA last week. Checked on the DVLA web site this morning and my Class C provision was added today so went ahead and booked my Theory and HP for the 6th Nov (earliest appointment). Just need to find a school now to have lessons with.

Got or will have a few Q’s but will post them separately.



Check out all the stickies near the top of this forum before going any further

Hope you did not pay more than £60 for the medical

Am I right in assuming that you passed car test before 1997?

Welcome! I wish you all the luck in the world. I am currently looking at starting out on the same journey! ROG is a great help also. I found it helpful looking at the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (READ ONLY FORUM) Anyway good luck again!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Cheers guys

I have had a browse through the (very helpful) stickies and will continue to research :grimacing:

Paid £58 for medical and yes car test passed in 1988.

Look forward to gleaning lots of info while I embark on this journey :grimacing:

Cheers again.

passing CAR TEST before 97 means you need 35 hours of periodic DCPC before you can drive LGVs commercially

If you have not got those hours then try and find a trainer who has their LGV courses DCPC approved - will cost a little more but worth it

For a basic LGV C course DCPC approved done over 5 days with test on day 5 you could get these DCPC hours …
14 hours for 1 to 1 half days
28 hours for 2 to 1 full days

Taking a 7 hour DCPC course on the regs is always advisable

Nice one, thanks for the info.

When you’re looking for a trainer stay away from the brokers. They are the ones with the flashy websites that state they have 30 + training locations. In fact, they just send you to the cheapest trainer they can find having charged you top dollar.

Find a couple of trainers and visit and have assessment drives. Not all training is the same - by a long way!

An alternative is to book a trainer on rock solid recommendation.

You may find this handy;

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing: