New member,new career

hello everybody,start my first driving job in september on a 8 wheel tipper,i have been a car mechanic for 22 years but i am now getting made redundant so i have decided to put my hgv licence to use ,having held it for 15 years but nether used it.i have got a start with a local family firm who run a fleet of tippers ,so i am looking forward to a new challenge.thank you for reading my first post.

Welcome Mike,glad to have you join us.

You better have a look here:

Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

A very warm welcome!

As one who is starting out from scratch, I wish I’d got my HGV Class 1 many moons ago!

one tip for tippers time means money more runs means more money & if it rains you dont get paid.

on another note welcome & good luck, if you dont like it try an agency.

Welcome to Trucknet mikemjf.

Welcome to the scary world of truck driving! I start my first proper C+E job on 6th Aug and I’m cacking myself! :frowning:

Just remember you’re not on your own and there are lots of helpful people on here if you want some advice about your work or other types of driving.

When I see tippers flying about I always think about Hell Drivers and smile!


thanks for the welcome posts,as regards the more runs means more money this is not the situation at this particular haulage firm,i will be paid by the hour regardless of the amount of runs.due to our location the runs are more distance runs rather than local tips probably only 2 tips a good look on monday wilde1,thanks again for the replys.

i did a few months on tippers not long after i first passed my class 2 couple of years back, golden rules;1/ always sheet up(thats presuminging ones fitted to your truck).2/ always check your own para-chute,ie.NEVER and i mean NEVER let a collegue,labourer,etc, secure your tail-gate,get out and do it your-self.Had this happen to me on a tarmacing job,Mr Brick-Out House decided after backing me up,to release the bottom half of tail,to much in a rush to wait for me,then the huge muppet signaled me to tip,as i did the bottom tail didnt move at all, BUT the top did! smashing him on the head,afer rolling around for a few minutes and staggering to his feet he ‘recovered’,any other mere mortal would probably been seriously injured or worse.3/ get your-self a horse ring and learn to gurn!,cos im telling you,i reckon most tipper men must have met a loose tail-gate juding by the way they look!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .There a good bunch really,i quite enjoyed the work myself,just that job paid bad,and didnt get on with gaffers so i jacked,Good-Luck.