NEW MAUT as of 2011 on german roads with 4lanes

Okay for all those who use the German roads be prepared as 1st JAN 2011
ROAD CHARGES WILL BE levied on all 4 lane roads as well , this means more costs
and the german transport companys are not at all amused at this,
By the way the price of the maut will be rising as well the talk is 2cents but who
knows what the charge will be we will all have to wait and see, as of now there
was nothing posted on the Toll -collect site perhaps They may have something
later on, sorry folks,

forgive my ignorance pete but do you mean 4 lanes each way like some new motorways or 2 lanes each way like a dual carriageway such as the B9 around Mannheim?

I heard something about this yesterday from a friend who still lives in Germany. From what he can tell it is the likes of some of the bigger B roads (probably like you have mentioned but I can’t remember the layout B9, despite going there 2 or 3 times pr year when we lived in Germany :blush: ).

We reckon that they are trying to hold off for as long as possible but it is only a matter of time until the category of vehicle to which the charge applies, will come down i.e. 7.5 tonne will be next, then the 3.5 tonne vehicles a few years after. I give it 15 years, 20 tops, before cars are paying the Maut also!! :unamused:

Sorry to all concerned ,YES it means the German equivalence of dual carriageway
will be getting the maut towers built so that the new charge can be raised

thanks pete keep us informed, not good news though means more money to run around germany :imp: