New Lower Thames Crossing

This is a map of the possible routes.
which do you think would be best and your reasons why?

I remember reading the folks of Gravesend were kicking off about this. Saying the new crossing should be in Dartford.

Was just reading an article about the viewing period before they choose the route and then get the government funding for it to start.

i think route 2 is the better option, its a shorter route, and the A13 is being upgraded anyway. The best route would have been where it is now, but to have built a bridge over the existing tunnels, which could have been used for hazardous, the problem with that is the huge traffic jams whilst building is in progress, and of course the high winds would close it every now and again, but believe that could be solved, with a closed in However, as route 2/3 are options, they would be more suitable, as 1. it would relieve the traffic already using the existing crossing, and there is a hell of a lot of traffic coming up from kent who would use the new crossing. 2. its more local to me, so would be more convenient.

cannot see it making a difference,the worlds biggest car park would still screw it up,thats what normally happens when there is an accident on the M25,i don’t think a day goes by without that area being screwed by an accident at junctions 28 to 30,or the other side

Route 2 I think will be the best option I live very chalk and I can tell you there’s a lot of local objection, but wherever it goes it won’t be popular and with all the proposed development ln Ebbsfleet if it’s not built it will be caos, and it would be a far better idea to build a bridge the Adr traffic can use it without having to get an ■■■■■■ which only slows things down and is a cause of hold ups

Either way you look at it, I reckon it will take at least 15,000 northbound M25 taffic and 15,000 Kent bound/coast bound traffic a day away from Dartford.
that in its self has got to be good for Dartford.

none of you need to worry about it , by the time they have sorted the finance out , held countless enquiries about objections , had a few judicial reviews and actually started work on it you will all probably have retired .

none of you need to worry about it , by the time they have sorted the finance out , held countless enquiries about objections , had a few judicial reviews and actually started work on it you will all probably have retired .


none of you need to worry about it , by the time they have sorted the finance out , held countless enquiries about objections , had a few judicial reviews and actually started work on it you will all probably have retired .

■■■■■■■ died more like.

I’m 30 BTW


none of you need to worry about it , by the time they have sorted the finance out , held countless enquiries about objections , had a few judicial reviews and actually started work on it you will all probably have retired .

[zb] died more like.

I’m 30 BTW

You’ll be around long after we’ve all gone and will have to sit in the queue at the new crossing in your later years of your career lol

Route 1, if I could see where it went !

Route 4.
One has to look at the future and with the expansion of London Gateway its ideal for freight traffic, also freight traffic running down from felixstowe.

The A127 needs improving also which will happen anyway.

Also pulling traffic off the M25 early will create options and relieve congestion around A12 and A13 exits.

Route 4 will also be better for automated self driving vehicles, not sure why just slipping this in to look clever.

Reminds me of when I was involved in a think tank for the government, due to a talent for seeing future trends I was recruited from ehhhh college. Unfortunately I was kicked out due to my obsession with ■■■■ and virtual ■■■■■■■■■■■ predictions for the 2020’s including the rise of the fembot.


What happened to the old idea of building another motorway way out by Colchester, Cambridge, Oxford, Newbury, and all the way round to East Kent through Sussex. If they could do the Chunnel surely they can do a tunnel under the Thames to Mersea Island?

Beau Nydel:
What happened to the old idea of building another motorway way out by Colchester, Cambridge, Oxford, Newbury, and all the way round to East Kent through Sussex. If they could do the Chunnel surely they can do a tunnel under the Thames to Mersea Island?

Not heard that plan before.
I know there was talk of building from sheerness under the Thames to Southend, Chelmsford, bishop Stortford Stevenage and Luton.

Please, for the love of god, don’t mention mersea island in relation to any building works! I grew up there, there are too many incoming nimbys who get all fired up even at the thought of an extra couple of houses. As my first boss once said to me: ‘the only trouble with the island is that people move here to die, then forget why they came.’

Please, for the love of god, don’t mention mersea island in relation to any building works! I grew up there, there are too many incoming nimbys who get all fired up even at the thought of an extra couple of houses. As my first boss once said to me: ‘the only trouble with the island is that people move here to die, then forget why they came.’

kill 2 birds with 1 stone. kill the nimbys and use them as part of the foundations.

Russell Brand is now sticking his oar in.
I thought he was shipping out to Syria if the Tories win the 2015 General Election?


Please, for the love of god, don’t mention mersea island in relation to any building works! I grew up there, there are too many incoming nimbys who get all fired up even at the thought of an extra couple of houses. As my first boss once said to me: ‘the only trouble with the island is that people move here to die, then forget why they came.’

kill 2 birds with 1 stone. kill the nimbys and use them as part of the foundations.

In general no real nimby would ever choose to live in the south east.They’d be living in the Welsh borderlands or ■■■■■■■ and North Yorkhire among other underdeveloped wastelands to meet that definition.The argument in this case,like saving the Green Belt etc etc,being that there is rightly a limit on just how much infrastructure and development we’re prepared to put with living in before saying enough no more.