New job :)

Hi All, I’ve been out of driving for about 2 years now and as situations change I’ve needed to get back into it. I’m 22 and although I spent 9 months with a large firm I only actually drove for about 4 weeks in total and that was with a mentor.
I found a job online, rang up and after a bit of a mess around because of my age I got an assessment drive. The drive was ok but the reverse into the yard couldn’t have gone much worse and the guy had to guide me throughout. They promised to call me that afternoon to say if I’d got it or not but I didn’t hear anything for a few days.
I got a text today saying he’d lost my number but he can offer me the position and will call me tomorrow.
All sounds awesome and is what I wanted to hear but I couldn’t be more scared now it’s actually happening… Any words of wisdom would be most appreciated.

Well done mate. Just passed my mod 4 yestrday and starting my class 1 soon. So havent drove yet myself. There will be one on the other boys and girls will be long soon to give you advice. Good luck with job mate :smiley:

The best wisdom is to take your time, get out and check, get used to some other blokes taking the proverbial. Reversing comes with practice - there is no magic pill.

Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Go to the average driver and say “Can you help me out? I’m new” and they’ll be only too happy to help - especially if it speeds up their day.

Most fellow drivers are great. But, as in every walk of life, there is the odd one who really isn’t worth knowing.

Don’t guess at anything. Ask.


Pete :laughing: :laughing:


Best advice I can give is what I did - Have a good look at where you want to reverse before you start, not sat in the truck but stood outside, and have a quick think about what the manouvre looks like as it will happen - note anything that might be an issue while doing it, like cars/obstacles etc. Then, and only then, jump into the seat and have a go! You will now remember where in the manouvre that you need to be especially careful of obstacles noted earlier :slight_smile: Don’t be afraid to stop, get out and have another look - far better than explaining a scratched/dented truck later!


Some really solid advice that. I normally get out and have a look during the maneuver but yeah I agree getting out and envisaging it before you start would make it easier. Thanks :slight_smile: