New job

Got myself a new job today hope it goes a little better than my last :laughing:. Did’nt really want to go down the agency route again so am pretty happy tramping four or five nites does me nicley be going on the four nites as much as poss tho

Congrats on the new job mate - hope it goes well for you :slight_smile:

congrats mate who ya get on with :question:

Well Done on the new job hope it goes well for you

Can I ask who you on for :question:

Where in Newcastle do you live just curious

Fowler Welch heard they have a high turnover of staff but i’ll see how it goes

Fowler Welch heard they have a high turnover of staff but i’ll see how it goes

They do have a very high turn over of staff but good luck with it I do know some of there drivers

Geordieboy64 well done m8 good luck

yeah good luck mate, i did also hear they had a high turnover of staff

Saw the advert for them in the paper - what sort of wages,terms and conditions do they offer??