New Job Monday

Well, having passed Class 2 in November and Class 1 in December, I start my first Class 2 job on Monday.
Will be working for a metal recycling company doing roll on roll off skips for now, with hopefully eventually a move to Artics. So for those struggling with the dreaded two years experience problem my advice is keep knocking on doors and speaking to transport managers.
I will try to update you with my experiences as the weeks go on.


Ditto, passed my class 2 in October and Class 1 in December and start driving Class 1 on Monday. Personally I had several options as a new pass after doing some leg work and speaking to various haulage companies. They are crying out for drivers.

Ditto, passed my class 2 in October and Class 1 in December and start driving Class 1 on Monday. Personally I had several options as a new pass after doing some leg work and speaking to various haulage companies. They are crying out for drivers.

Nice one :smiley: it’s great to read positive posts regarding newly qualified drivers getting jobs. Gives us wannabes hope :smiley:

All the best with tomorrow!

Good man and good luck also! :sunglasses:

All the best with it. Take your time and remember to ask questions.

This is the next stage of the learning curve. Enjoy!

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Quick update:
Spent a large portion of yesterday morning filling out forms, reading company safety policies and taking multiple choice tests, followed by a few hours in the passenger seat with one of the regular drivers to see how the job was done.
Today has seen me in the driver’s seat (still with my new friend from yesterday) and starting to get to grips with mounting and de-mounting the bins (roll on roll off) which has been a steep learning curve… Still, no major or dangerous ■■■■-ups :smiley:
Tomorrow we are off to wales to do a call new to both of us so fingers crossed no nasty surprises.
All in all enjoying the job so far, long days but paid by the hour so :slight_smile:


Don’t expect to move off that class 2 any time quickly… :wink:

Sounds like it’s going to plan. Don’t start rushing - bins can turn very nasty on you!

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing: