Well I finally left downtons and now pulling boxes for a local firm,to say this week has been up and down is an understatement.
Iv had to try and understand how these container terminals work and with never done boxes before was all new,anyway first week over and hopefully iv made the right move time will tell but to be honest I’m glad of the change.
Any experienced container men your advice is appreciated.
Captain spanky is the guy who will give you all the info on the boxes you need
Just take your time and ask another driver what the score is at the docks and railheads as they all operate differently. Most crane drivers are a bunch of tossers and expect you to read there mind.
Just take your time and ask another driver what the score is at the docks and railheads as they all operate differently. Most crane drivers are a bunch of tossers and expect you to read there mind.
Yes iv found that out most folk on the gate don’t want to speak or talk to you in some jargon you don’t understand and get shirty when you say I’m new to this
yorkshire terrier:
Just take your time and ask another driver what the score is at the docks and railheads as they all operate differently. Most crane drivers are a bunch of tossers and expect you to read there mind.Yes iv found that out most folk on the gate don’t want to speak or talk to you in some jargon you don’t understand and get shirty when you say I’m new to this
what ports are you in and out of?
most terminals you can get a map for however your best bet is to find someone and ask as the other lads in there have been in your position are you tramping if so what docks / railheads have you visited
yorkshire terrier:
Just take your time and ask another driver what the score is at the docks and railheads as they all operate differently. Most crane drivers are a bunch of tossers and expect you to read there mind.Yes iv found that out most folk on the gate don’t want to speak or talk to you in some jargon you don’t understand and get shirty when you say I’m new to this
what ports are you in and out of?
Mostly just the inland ones sound yorkshire and north east
cliffton 27:
most terminals you can get a map for however your best bet is to find someone and ask as the other lads in there have been in your position are you tramping if so what docks / railheads have you visited
Just day work mainly with occasional nights out
yorkshire terrier:
yorkshire terrier:
Just take your time and ask another driver what the score is at the docks and railheads as they all operate differently. Most crane drivers are a bunch of tossers and expect you to read there mind.Yes iv found that out most folk on the gate don’t want to speak or talk to you in some jargon you don’t understand and get shirty when you say I’m new to this
what ports are you in and out of?
Mostly just the inland ones sound yorkshire and north east
oh right, sorry can’t help then.
i do tilbury, felixstowe, and southampton.
most terminals just assume you know it all, and some of the workers are not the most helpful. most of the other drivers will put you right though
get a decent hammer and some spider bungees.
well first of all freight linners are a joke no mater which one just as pentalvers are although the southern ones are worse
as for the north east the port of tyne is alright i been a couple of times and they are very friendly and helpfull teesport you have to watch a vid if you have not been before however maybe it was me but i find the place a mysetry and get lost in there everytime
cliffton 27:
well first of all freight linners are a joke no mater which one just as pentalvers are although the southern ones are worse
as for the north east the port of tyne is alright i been a couple of times and they are very friendly and helpfull teesport you have to watch a vid if you have not been before however maybe it was me but i find the place a mysetry and get lost in there everytime
Yes they all seem like mazes to me at minute,il get there eventually