New drivers with points on their licence

Hello again good people. After having good feedback about my post for driving schools, I’ve been looking at jobs and recruitment companies to pass the time at work. Most job ads say either no more than 6 points or a clean licence. I don’t have points on my licence but I do have a TT99 which is too many points in 12 months resulting in a 6 month ban. I’ve had my licence back a year now but will this hinder my chances of employment in the near future?

It’s not going to help, as your CV will logically probably get binned if there are suitable candidates without a recent ban on their licence.

That’s to be expected, but if I were to get, or try getting jobs through an agency for temp work to get experience would this ban stop me altogether?

Whilst you’ve had your licence back … TT99 still sits on your licence for the total of 4 years… Employers see this and it puts them off…

Not going to sugar coat this but you are unlikely to get a start with a TT99. Employers will look at that and think that you don’t care for either yourself or others around you. You collected over 12 points in a short amount of time, that alone will cause alarm bells to ring. As Beezle said, they most likely won’t even bother to read the rest of your CV.

Drink related offences and total bans make it extremely difficult to find work in transport.

If there was a driver shortage then they would all be wanting you no matter what points you had so that just shows that there is not a driver shortage as many have said

Your gonna have a hard time I would think with that one

I suspect the biggest problem will be the insurance company. You’ve usually got to fill out a form stating any convictions, points, etc which is sent off to the insurance, but also give your licence number which they can use to check and if this TT code is on their system as a no-no then they’ll refuse cover. Once it disappears from the electronic system (same one you can check online), then it’ll hopefully be alright.

Oddly, on agency web sites I’ve not seen mention of TT only DR, DD and IN codes unless they’ve simply not caught up with that code yet.

I suspect the biggest problem will be the insurance company. You’ve usually got to fill out a form stating any convictions, points, etc which is sent off to the insurance, but also give your licence number which they can use to check and if this TT code is on their system as a no-no then they’ll refuse cover. Once it disappears from the electronic system (same one you can check online), then it’ll hopefully be alright.

Oddly, on agency web sites I’ve not seen mention of TT only DR, DD and IN codes unless they’ve simply not caught up with that code yet.

No they know about it and most agency’s do a call to DVLA for a licence check whilst your in the office.
Although they’ll continue with the process you’ll be in the drawer that’s in the back room buried underneath the mouse trap .

Don’t let the TT put you off, there are a few firms out there that believe someone that has ballsed up in the past can change. The family owned distribution firm I currently work for handed me an insurance form to complete listing my current convictions and previous ban (ban was 18mth DR10) from around 3yrs ago and handed it on to their insurers, I’m also only 25 and only had my licence 1mth (although when I approached them and completed the form I only had my provisional licence) and one of things the my now boss said to me at the time was “my father and I believe that if someone is willing to spend that much on career advancement then they must have changed and so we are more then happy to give you a chance” really pleased I have as they are great bosses, really good firm with friendly happy and helpful colleagues and I’m loving the job. Sorry about the essay but just wanted to let you know there is firms that will help a driver out. I wish you the best of luck with your search. Ryan