New driver

Hi I’m in the middle of doing my class 2 and would like some info please on whether to try a manual or auto what would be ur recommended preference for a new driver

For the training or the first job ?


Personally I’d go for auto,it’s one less thing to worry about on your test,there ain’t the confusing gear boxed there used to be nowadays so you’d pick it up pretty easily after your test if needs be.

I think the question we all have in response is, why are you asking? :open_mouth:
Surely you are already in one of the two, and can’t see your training being able to switch you about as you feel…

I’d suggest most would say Auto is easier!
I posted my manual training experience here…

Auto for test then mess around with manuals once you have licence

I went manual for my test but a lot of people reccommend auto then a manual refresh to get you up to speed. There are quite a few different types of manual boxes you aren’t at too much of an advantage learning in one

I’m doing auto as I only have an auto car licence! [emoji52]

I’m doing auto as I only have an auto car licence! [emoji52]

Good luck with it :wink:

A question posed by a pal of mine,I don’t know the answer.

Maybe you do…

Say you pass your test driving an auto,then eventually you get behind the wheel of a wagon with an auto box,as we all know there will be a manual option to chose if you so wish,are you who has only a auto car licence allowed to drive the wagon with the manual option ?


I’m doing auto as I only have an auto car licence! [emoji52]

Good luck with it :wink:

A question posed by a pal of mine,I don’t know the answer.

Maybe you do…

Say you pass your test driving an auto,then eventually you get behind the wheel of a wagon with an auto box,as we all know there will be a manual option to chose if you so wish,are you who has only a auto car licence allowed to drive the wagon with the manual option ?

No you have to have past your car test in a manual to be given manual rights if you do your test in a auto truck but if he passes in a manual truck you will will get manual rights for the car to

My current car has a switch where I can change gear like a manual and I’ve driven cars in past with paddles and I’ve not had a problem, I don’t know about trucks but I know cars ain’t a problem sorry if that’s not much help [emoji15]

Only having a auto truck licence could cause no end of problems tbf.

I’ve done enough research and spoke to some companies etc should be ok to get work…[emoji6]

I’m doing auto as I only have an auto car licence! [emoji52]

What if you sat a other car test in manual I assume you be given a manual licence. Wonder how many of us would pass car test? + Would you just need sit practical or sit both theory and practical again?

Just practical I believe but I have a slightly damaged left ankle from playing rugby at college so I don’t have sensitivity to be able to do clutch control…just a freak injury so it’s auto trucks or nowt!!

Just practical I believe but I have a slightly damaged left ankle from playing rugby at college so I don’t have sensitivity to be able to do clutch control…just a freak injury so it’s auto trucks or nowt!!

Have you ever tried use a clutch coz my clutch is a soft clutch due to type of car

Ye fella, about 8 months after i finished my physio and again a few yrs ago, they can operate but it means 4/6 months on crutches and can’t afford that with a little chunk/family lol

How do you know if your licence is an auto or a manual licence? Daft question probably, but I have no idea.

Code 78 if auto.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:
Code 78 if auto.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t have a code on mine other than 79 on the motorbike bit. I passed mt ce in auto but passed c in a manual. do i have manual entitlement on both?

thanks in advance